Residence Life Policies and Regulations
Alcohol and Controlled Substances
Entry to apartments/room
Environmental Inspections
Fire and Emergency Evacuation Plan
Guest Visitations
Health and Safety Inspections
Alcohol and Controlled Substances
All residents must abide by the University’s policies on Alcohol and Controlled Substances, as found in the University Policies and Procedures section of the Student Handbook. The misuse of alcohol or any other chemical substance is inconsistent with the mission of Residence Life and jeopardizes the welfare of its students. Knowledge of the presence, location, use, or intent to exercise control over alcohol and illegal drugs will constitute constructive possession. Violation of these policies will result in the disposal and/or confiscation of the alcohol and/or illegal drugs in presence of student(s), documentation, a meeting with the appropriate judicial officer, and appropriate sanctions as described in the Student Conduct and Judicial System.
The Office of Residence Life urges residents to confront the misuse of alcohol or other drugs by seeking appropriate assistance. The Counseling and Psychological Services Office (CAPS) offers substance abuse counseling and referrals in a highly confidential environment.
The regulations below apply to the possession, use, and/or consumption of alcohol and illegal drugs in the residence halls
- Controlled Substances
- The following are prohibited:
- Possession, use, distribution, transportation, transfer, manufacture, sale, or otherwise being in the presence of barbiturates, amphetamines, marijuana, hallucinogens, drug paraphernalia, unauthorized prescription drugs, other drugs, synthetic drugs, any controlled substance, or other forms of digestible drugs.
- Possession, manufacture, preparation, buying, selling, using, giving or otherwise dispensing any controlled or dangerous substance within any residence facility or any Residence Life property.
- Being present in a room or apartment in which a controlled or dangerous substance is being used.
- Presence in or around University property under the influence of a controlled or dangerous substance.
- Possession of drug paraphernalia or items commonly used in the use of drugs (i.e. rolling papers, hollowed-out cigars, bongs, blow tubes, inhalant devices, hookahs, etc.).
- The following are prohibited:
Entry to Apartments/Rooms
The Office of Residence Life endeavors to keep the quality of life standards at an optimum level for all residents. To do so, the staff must have access to all rooms and apartments for inspection, repair, and improvement of all living space. As stipulated in the Housing Agreement, Saint Peter’s University reserves the right, at any time and for any reason, in its sole discretion, to enter a room/apartment without prior notice to a resident to:
- make repairs;
- inspect for compliance with health, fire or building codes, or with Saint Peter’s University policies or regulations; or
- because of any situation that Saint Peter’s University deems to be a danger to health, safety, or property. Other situations may also require Residence Life staff to enter a room or apartment. These situations can be, but are not limited to:
- cleaning;
- extermination for pests;
- student check-ins/outs; or
- when a prohibited condition exists, or is reasonably suspected.
Environmental Inspections
Mold can be found almost anywhere; it can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as moisture and oxygen are present. There is mold that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains unaddressed. It is impossible to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment. However, mold growth can be controlled indoors by controlling moisture indoors.
Maintaining cleanliness in the residence hall living environment is essential for healthy air quality because microbial growth, such as mold and mildew, grows and thrives in wet or humid conditions. Upon inspection, it is most often discovered that sanitary conditions were compromised by food or other organic materials containing moisture, wet towels, wet clothing, water intrusion, or spills which are not cleaned up immediately. Mold or mildew growth can occur within 24-48 hours of a spill of any liquid or water intrusion, so clean-up of spills or reporting of water intrusion must be done promptly.
Residents are responsible for cleaning their residence hall room or apartment. Residents are responsible for cleanliness and maintaining sanitary standards. The most common finding from certified inspections was a lack of cleanliness on the part of residents or failure to adhere to sanitary standards. Health and safety inspections will be performed randomly and upon request by University staff. Students are expected to follow the guidelines below:
- Clean any spills immediately and thoroughly.
- Empty your trash regularly.
- Vacuum carpet or rugs, sweep floors and dust your room regularly.
- Hang damp or wet towels, bath mats, clothing, or other items immediately and allow items to dry completely to prevent microbial growth and musty odors. Do not hang damp or wet items over the furniture in the room or closet doors.
- Avoid leaving open food containers out, seal all containers after use and refrigerate perishable foods.
- Dispose of used food containers and food scraps regularly to prevent attracting pests and insects and promoting the growth of mold. Keep refrigerators tightly closed.
- Do not allow mildew to accumulate in your baths and shower stalls.
- Keep windows closed when the air conditioning is running. The condensation created during cooling season by open windows (hot air) mixing with conditioned HVAC air (cool air) indoors is capable of creating significant mold and moisture problems.
- Do not tamper with the HVAC unit or thermostat.
- Do not block the air supply or return air vents or doors as reduced air flow can result in excess moisture and promote mold growth within the system and dorm rooms.
- Allow the bathroom shower area to vent out after showering to help remove moisture.
- Use bath mats to help absorb water after showering.
- Mop up standing water.
- Communication of any leaks, water intrusion, or concern about mildew or mold to Campus Services immediately, as it only takes 24-48 hours for mold or mildew growth.
Students may request an environmental inspection by submitting an online work order (service request) at:
- Service Request:
Step-by-step instructions:
Treatment / Remediation
Certified and license personnel will inspect and assess to determine whether mold is present. Should a positive finding of mold be discovered, a course of action will be developed in conjunction with University staff. When required, remediation procedures will be utilized by certified and licensed personnel.
Fire and Emergency Evacuation Plan
Please refer to the University policy on Fire and Emergency Evacuation found in the Student Handbook.
Guest Visitation
The right of a student to live in reasonable privacy (in the judgment of a Residence Life staff member) takes precedence over the right of her/his roommate to entertain guests. The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to ban individuals from entering residence halls if they are suspected of living on campus without a contract or abusing the visitation privilege. When you have visitors, please make sure that the following guidelines are met:
- The rights of a roommate (s) are respected, and proper conditions for privacy, study, and relaxation are respected by all occupants of the residence halls.
- The varied needs of individuals for sufficient quiet and sleep are honored.
If hosting a guest, residents must meet their visitor at the front desk area and make sure that their guest leaves a valid photo ID (i.e. driver’s license, school ID) and signs in with the Desk Attendant/Campus Safety Officer. Residents must escort their guests at all times while in the residence halls. Visitors found wandering unescorted will be required to leave immediately. Upon leaving, residents must escort their guest to the front desk and make sure the guest retrieves his/her ID. Violations of the guest policy may result in suspension of guest privileges for the resident and/or guest.
Please Note: Although there are no security desks Durant Hall residents must still adhere to all aspects of the guest policy. Guests without proper identification may be asked to leave the residence halls. Any falsification of IDs of any kind will result in confiscation of the ID card, restrictions for the guest and/or resident, and could result in further disciplinary action. All students must present ID upon request by University or Campus Safety personnel.
Expectations of the Resident
Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests and to insure guests’ compliance with Hall and University regulations. They must be sure that the guest for whom they take responsibility is, in fact, their guest.
Hosts must show proper concern for the rights of roommates. (Roommates are encouraged to discuss and establish guest hours for their rooms/apartments within the established limits.)
Residents must ALWAYS escort their guests while in the residence halls.
Residents must inform guests that should circumstances and/or incidents arise in which their guest is in violation of laws or University policies, the guest can be subject to legal action.
Occasionally, an uninvited person is present in a residence hall. This situation may mean that the person is not hosted by a resident student, or does not have a legitimate reason for being in the residence hall. For reasons of safety and security, all residents should be aware of such security problems and are encouraged to notify an RA or Campus Safety when this occurs.
Guest Restrictions
In Panepinto Hall, Whelan Hall, and Millennium Hall, all guests are required to sign in at the front desk (daily), before 2:00 a.m., and leave a valid picture identification card or current driver’s license. (ID cards belonging to the resident host will not be accepted in lieu of guest ID. A resident’s ID card is not transferable.)
Guests are not permitted in any residence hall between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. daily. All guests who do not leave the building by 2:00 a.m. will be considered unauthorized overnight guests. After 2:00 a.m., IDs will be recorded and the host as well as the guest will be referred to the Student Conduct Process. The guest may also lose the privilege of visiting the Residence Halls. No more than two guests per resident may be signed into a resident room/apartment at any given time.
Guests are prohibited from bringing radios or other sound equipment into the residence halls.
Guests must abide by all residence hall rules and regulations while in the residence halls. It is the responsibility of both the resident and guest to familiarize themselves with hall rules, but ultimately the resident/host is responsible for his/her guest. Guests (student and non-student) who violate residence hall rules may be restricted from the residence halls and/or referred to the Dean of Students.
Overnight Guest Policy
- Residents wishing to have a guest stay overnight must complete an Overnight Request form with the Office of Residence Life. The form can be accessed by emailing The request form must be submitted 3-4 days before the intended arrival of the guest. The Office of Residence Life will email (SPU only) the host indicating approval or non-approval.
- NOTE: This includes residents of Durant Hall.
- Overnight Guest Restrictions
- Male guests may be hosted overnight only in male-occupied apartments/rooms, and female guests may be hosted overnight only in female-occupied apartments/rooms. No resident may stay overnight as a guest in another resident room/ residence hall.
- No one particular resident may have more than eight (8) overnight guest registrations per semester. Each day that a guest stays in the residence hall counts as one registration.
- No one guest may stay more than two (2) consecutive nights per month. No guest (student or non-student) may be an overnight guest anywhere on campus more than five (5) times per semester.
Health and Safety Inspections
All campus residences will be inspected at least once per month to ensure compliance with health and safety standards. Advanced notice of the approximate date and time of the health and safety inspections are not required however; may be provided as a courtesy. Health and safety inspection of any residential unit and/or public area will be conducted if the condition warrants concern or is reported. Inspections may be completed as part of routine maintenance or after a work order has been submitted. Students are required to allow University officials to enter their residences for these inspections and follow-up visits. Staff conducting the inspections will lock all doors when leaving the room, suite or apartment. When possible, photographic evidence will be taken.
Health and Safety Inspections are conducted to maintain an environment that identifies and corrects potentially dangerous or unsanitary conditions before they cause damage or harm to others or property. Furniture and personal items may be moved to perform visual inspections of electrical cords, sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and other life safety systems. Inspections are also conducted to determine whether the student has complied with health, sanitary, and safety standards. This includes but is not limited to compliance with residence life policies, the student code of conduct, and policies related to safety. Violations may include but are not limited to failure to maintain cleanliness (excessive trash, dirty kitchen or bathroom areas); pest control matters related to student's failure to maintain a sanitary environment; placement of common area or lounge furnishings in a student’s room, suite or apartment; possession of prohibited items; storage of personal items or trash on balconies of apartment areas; pets; fire safety violations; possession of alcohol or drugs or related paraphernalia; and other violations of University policy. Prohibited items will be immediately confiscated and discarded, without reimbursement.
Residents who fail to pass the inspection will be given 48 hours (or business days) to make the necessary changes. If the second inspection results in a failure, each resident will be subject to a student conduct meeting. If found responsible, at minimum, residents will be assessed a $25 fine, subject to probationary periods, contributed service hours, restitution for damages, plus any labor or contractor charges to correct the deficiencies. When a determination of responsible residents cannot be determined, all residents of the room or apartment will be assessed a $25 fine, subject to probationary periods, contributed service hours, restitution for damages, plus any labor or contractor charges to correct the deficiencies. Repeated failure to meet health and safety inspections will result in removal from residence without a refund or proration of the owed amount(s) for housing and meal plan.
Examples of Health and Safety Violations
- General lack of cleanliness (excessive trash, dirty kitchen or bathroom areas, etc.).
- Placement of common area furnishings in a student’s room, suite or apartment.
- Possessing prohibited appliances and/or grills.
- Extension cord with more than one device plugged into it and without a power strip.
- Storing of trash on balconies of apartment areas.
- Policy violation found during inspection (pets, alcohol, etc.).
Students found responsible will incur the cost of remediation, pest control services, etc. and fines.
Noise Policy/Quiet Hours
Quiet hours within the University housing facilities are as follows:
Sunday – Thursday 10:00 pm – 10:00 am
Friday and Saturday 12:00 am – 10:00 am
Simply put, no music, voices or other noises should be heard outside of your room during quiet hours. If residents are found loitering during quiet hours in areas surrounding the residence halls (courtyards, lawn areas, etc.), and the noise level warrants a complaint(s), the RA on duty and/or Campus Safety will be notified and the gathering will be disbursed. Our communities have been created to foster a serious academic environment. Be advised that courtesy hours exist in all residence halls for the entire year. This means regardless of the hour, residents should be respectful of one another by lowering noise levels when asked by a fellow student.
Please Note: All floors/buildings are under 24-hour quiet hours during final exam periods at the end of each semester. Specified quiet hour periods will be posted.
As members of the Saint Peter's University community, residents are requested to confront violators (in a respectful manner) to insist on their compliance with the community standards. If a resident is unsuccessful in achieving a peaceful solution to a noise problem, the RA will intercede to insure that the policy is adhered to.
Solicitation by residents, guests, or outside vendors is forbidden in University residence facilities. Use of a room/apartment for any commercial purposes whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Gambling in any form in or around the residence halls is prohibited.
In addition to the University’s Smoking policy, all residence facilities are a smoke-free environment. The smoking of any substance, including but not limited to: cigarettes, marijuana, illegal drugs, e-cigarettes, vape devices, hookah, etc. is not permitted in any of the residence halls, including in individual rooms/apartments. As of October 2005, the State of New Jersey Legislature enacted a law that states: “smoking shall be prohibited in any building used as a student dormitory that is owned or operated or otherwise utilized by a school or institution of higher education.”