Distance Learning - Responsible Use of Technology

All users of the University’s learning management systems are responsible for maintaining the security of usernames, passwords and any other access credentials assigned. Access credentials may not be shared or given to anyone other than the user to whom they were assigned to for any reason. Users are responsible for any and all uses of their account. Users are responsible for changing passwords periodically to maintain security. Users are held responsible for knowledge of the information contained within the most recent University Catalog as well as the Student Handbook. Failure to read University guidelines, requirements and regulations will not exempt users from responsibility.

Students are responsible for providing complete and true information about themselves in any identity verification process, in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. By entering the University's learning management system with approved credentials, students verify their identity and agree to the terms of the Student Handbook and appropriate Course Catalog.

The use of University sponsored emails, portals as well as information and material accessed on the Saint Peters network should be in keeping with University values and Student Code of Conduct. Any use of university computers and networks by employees that is inappropriate, or otherwise contributes to creating a harassing or uncomfortable environment, or creates a legal risk, will result in formal disciplinary action and/or dismissal.