Data Science Institute

Dr. Gulhan Bizel, Chairperson

The Data Science program provides students with the analytical and quantitative skills that are needed for a variety of careers that are growing at a fast pace. A data scientist creates new processes for data modeling, algorithms, predictive models, and custom analysis. The information they extract helps businesses and organizations solve complex problems. Data Science is a field that has numerous applications in many career areas including the sciences, business, engineering, health sciences, social sciences, and even the music industry. The Data Science Institute offers both a major and minor in Data Science.

Requirements for the Data Science Major

Degree of Bachelor of Science

BA-155Principles of Marketing3
BA-151Principles of Management3
BA-287Introduction to Business Analytics3
MA-212Elementary Statistics3
MA-222Intermediate Statistics3
MA-247Introductory Linear Algebra3
CS-271Decision Support Systems3
CS-260Information Technology Ethics3
CS-241Python Programming for Comp Scientists3
CS-190Secure Software Development3
IS-380Database and Data Administration3
DS-210Data Science and AI Principles3
DS-310Introduction to Data Mining3
DS-340SQL Programming3
DS-399Major Capstone Project3
3 Major Electives9
Total Credits54

Requirements for a Minor in Data Science

BA-287Introduction to Business Analytics3
DS-210Data Science and AI Principles3
CS-330Data Structures & Algorithms With Python3
DS-340SQL Programming3
Any CS 300 Level Elective3
Any DS 300 Level Elective3
Total Credits18