
Saint Peter’s University, as a responsible and dedicated educational community, recognizes the right of orderly, responsible student expression of opinion. This right is one fact of the University’s function as an open forum for the free expression of ideas. The Saint Peter’s University community recognizes freedom of speech and assembly provided that legal and moral rights to those engaged in the normal activities of the University are preserved. In the spirit of this educational philosophy, responsible action, demonstration or protest may take place only in full compliance with the following:

  • Students are expected to notify, but not to clear with the Associate Vice President for Student Life and Development, the planning of a demonstration;
  • The participants in the demonstration must carry personal identification; and
  • The demonstration should take place in a location and in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of the other members of the University community.

Normal procedures for the reservation of space should be followed if a University facility is desired. If the demonstration is held on a sidewalk or in the street, procedures required by the statutes of Jersey City must be met, e.g., parade permit.

  1. Guidelines for demonstrations that violate the policy stated above:
    1. An authorized official of the University will inform the offending parties that obstruction or disruption of a University function may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and dismissal. The official may be accompanied by the President of the Student Senate.
    2. Offending parties may be asked to show their identification cards to the officials. Those who either have no such identification or refuse to show their identification will not be considered members of the University community. Therefore, they may be subject to legal action as trespassers.
    3. In the event that the campus authorities judge that outside help is needed, the police may be called. The decision to summon outside help lies with the University administration.