Academic Policies - Graduate

The following policies apply across the Graduate Programs. Check individual programs for additional policies. 

All policies and regulations outlined in this catalog will be interpreted and managed according to procedures which are too lengthy to be printed here. These protocols may be found in the office of the appropriate dean for each college or school. Students may appeal all academic policies and regulations to the appropriate dean, who may, depending on the circumstances, consult the Dean of Students.

Note: all policies and procedures pertain to the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business, School of Nursing, School of Education and School of Professional Studies unless specifically addressed.

Requirements for Degrees

The fulfillment of degree requirements includes both credit-related and performance-related criteria. Students must successfully complete the total number of credits required for their program. The credits required to complete a Doctorate or Master’s de­gree depend on the program you are enrolled in. To be eligible for a Saint Peter’s University degree in any major, at least one half the number of credits required in the major, must be earned in courses taken at Saint Peter’s University or in programs sponsored by the University.  

The performance-related requirement for all degrees reflects a standard of academic excellence. Students must attain a GPA of 3.0 for their entire graduate academic record at Saint Peter’s University. In addition, all students must attain a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the courses required in their major program. Departments may establish GPA requirements higher than 3.0; whenever this is the case, the specific requirements will be stated in the “department section” of the catalog. All financial and property obligations to the University must be satisfied before a diploma can be issued.

Criteria for Earning A Second Master's Degree

If you hold a master’s degree from an accredited institution, you may earn a second master’s degree at Saint Peter’s University under the following conditions: 

  1. You meet the criteria for admission to the University and to the specific degree program.
  2. You meet all degree requirements for the second degree.
  3. Credits you earned while taking your first master’s degree may be used to meet the requirements of the second master’s degree, provided those credits were taken within six years of admission to the second-degree program.
  4. At least half of the courses required for the second degree must be taken at Saint Peter’s University, none of which were applied towards the previous degree.
  5. The specialization in the second master’s degree program will be different from that of the first master’s degree.

University Commencement Ceremony

Students that completed their academic requirements who have had their degrees conferred last November or December or expect to complete their remaining program requirements in February, May or August are eligible to participate in the University’s annual Commencement exercises held at the close of the Spring term. Effective Fall 2016, students who need no more than 6 credits remaining to complete degree requirements may participate in the Commencement exercises provided they have pre-registered for the remaining coursework in the Summer. Exceptions to the credit requirement will be permitted for students in the School of Education who need to complete student teaching/clinical practice in the Fall term. Non-education students that will complete their requirements in December are not eligible to participate in this year's Commencement and will be eligible next year.

To qualify for Commencement Awards, all program requirements must be successfully completed in February, May or August. Candidates that apply for December and request participation in early Commencement will not be considered for awards. 

Participation in the Commencement exercises is ceremonial and does not constitute degree conferral. After final grades are received and a final graduation verification is completed, diplomas will be mailed approximately one month after the ceremony to those who qualify.  All obligations to the University, including financial, must be fulfilled before the diploma will be released. Students may only participate in one Commencement exercise. Degrees are awarded in May, August and December.

Instructions for Registering for Courses

Students can register online using Self-Service at Registration may be prevented if the student has outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the University. Students are not permitted to attend a course without being officially registered. Students may be administratively de-registered from some or all of their courses if they fail to complete by published deadlines appropriate forms and processes required to properly register for courses, if they fail to complete by published deadlines all requested financial forms and arrangements with the University, if they lack appropriate course prerequisites, or if they fail to attend class.

Holds on Student Processing

For financial or other reasons, the University may place a hold on processing a student’s registration. Students should go to Enrollment Services to solve any processing problems.

Course Schedules

The schedule of all courses appears in Self-Service on the University website. As courses frequently change, students should check with the website as they plan courses.

Admission Categories

Full Admission: An applicant who meets all admission requirements.

Provisional Admission: A Provisional admission decision may be processed using unofficial copies of transcripts. Official transcripts must be submitted to the Office of Admissions or the University Registrar to transition from a provisional to fully admitted student. A hold will be placed on your record until the official transcript is received. Provisional students are permitted to enroll in a maximum of 12 credits before they must submit an official transcript. Provisional students that attempt to enroll once the 12 credit maximum has been reached will be denied enrollment until an official transcript is submitted.

Non-degree/Non-matriculated status: An applicant who does not intend to matriculate.

Grading System

Grades should be interpreted as an index of achievement in a course according to the following scale:

Grade Description
A 4.0 Outstanding
A- 3.7 Excellent
B+ 3.3 Very Good
B 3.0 Good
B- 2.7 Above Average
C+ 2.3 Average
C 2.0 Satisfactory
F 0.0 Failure; Student stopped attending after midterm grading.
FA 0.0 Student never attended or stopped attending course prior to midterm grading without formal withdrawal. The grade of FA is calculated into the GPA. *

*Students who stop attending class meetings, or do not meet other stated attendance measures in a web-based course, will be given a Final Grade of FA: Failure Due to Non-Attendance. The student's Last Date of Attendance in the course will be used in determining if Federal Financial Aid must be returned. It is in the student's best interest to contact their Dean's Office if they cannot complete their courses. A grade of FA in an eligible course impacts the student's Term and Cumulative GPA as indicated in the Grade Table. In cases where an FA is not appropriate, (i.e. failure due to violating the instructor's attendance policy), students will receive a grade of F - Failure.

Other Grades are:

Symbol Subject
IC (Incomplete) given when an instructor allows a student to have additional time to complete the coursework. During the academic year, the maximum time to complete the course is six weeks after the start of the next term. If the grade is not submitted by the end of the next term, the IC will automatically convert to an F.
IP (In Progress) given when course extends beyond the term.
IT (Incomplete Teacher) given when the instructor did not submit the grade in time for grade processing.
TR Credits Transferred
WD (Withdraw) when a student withdraws not later than the date published in the term calendar.
WV Course Requirement Waived

A change of grade can only be initiated by the instructor of a course who must submit a Change of Grade Request detailing the reason for the extension and must be approved by the Dean or Director of the program. Such changes are made in unusual circumstances only.

Resolution of Grade Disputes

A student has the right to a fair grade that reflects performance in a class and also to know the components of the final grade. An instructor has the right to determine the grading scale and components to be graded as well as the responsibility to grade fairly and consistently using the announced grading scale.

If a student believes an error was made in the calculation of a grade or that the grade is otherwise not fair, the student should appeal to the instructor within the first six weeks of the next term. If the dispute is not resolved, the student may appeal to the Program Director. If deemed necessary, the student should appeal to the Dean of the College or School, whose decision will be final.

Repeating a Course for a Higher Grade

Students may repeat any course for which they received a grade of "C" of "F" or "FA".  All courses and grades remain on the transcript.  Only the most recent grade will be included in the cumulative grade point average and will apply towards degree completion. This option is open only to students who have not completed their degree requirements for Saint Peter's University.

Course Changes or Cancellation

The University reserves the right to cancel any course or change schedules, including subject matter or content, meeting days or times, buildings or rooms, and instructors. Students should check Self-Service for the most current information.

Adding or Dropping Courses

The University permits adding or dropping courses within specific time periods. The University establishes deadlines in advance of each term and publishes them in the calendar for that term. Degree candidates must observe policies with respect to registering on time and adding or dropping courses within the periods established by the University.

Overlapping Courses and Terms

Students are not permitted to enroll in semester and trimester courses at the same time, as they overlap. If students are in a program that has overlapping terms, they are recommended to enroll in semester courses for the first academic year and then switch to trimester courses thereafter. Students are not permitted to enroll in courses offered at the same time, unless granted permission of the Dean.

Change of Address or Name

A student must notify Enrollment Services and their program office of any change in personal profile, including changes in name, telephone number, email account, or billing, local or permanent addresses.

Students who wish to change their name on University records must complete an Official Name Change Request. Two forms of legal documentation must be submitted, e.g. a marriage certificate, divorce decree, court order indicating the change of name, SSN card or drivers license indicating the updated name. To update your email address, please contact the service desk.

School Closing Announcements

School closings will be posted on the University's webpage

Academic Transcripts

A transcript is an official record of courses taken, credits earned, and grades received.  The Enrollment Services Center offers several options for former and current students to order and receive transcripts.  In partnership with SCRIP-SAFE®, Saint Peter's is able to provide official transcripts delivered electronically through the SCRIP-SAFE server network.  The cost of the transcript varies by the type of deliver service requested and is detailed on the ordering site.  On-line orders for same-day service must be received by 3:00 pm Monday through Friday to be processed the same day. No service is available on weekends or official University holidays as indicated on the Academic Calendar.  Unofficial transcripts are no longer provided by the Enrollment Services Center.  Students with Self-Service access may view their unofficial transcripts online; students who do not have access to Self-Service must request an official transcript. No transcripts or certifications will be released to students who have unpaid financial obligations to the University. Once a student graduates, the transcript is considered “sealed” for that particular degree and changes cannot be made.

Satisfactory Academic Progress and Continuing Enrollment

Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to remain in good standing for financial aid and academic purposes. In order to maintain SAP, a student must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0, and must successfully complete 66% of all coursework attempted. The University will evaluate SAP annually at the conclusion of each spring term for all students who have attempted more than 12 credits. Students who do not maintain SAP will be unable to receive financial aid and are subject to probation or dismissal. Failing a course or a GPA below 3.0 may lead to an academic probation, suspension, or dismissal from a program. If a student does not improve his or her academic performance, the University may suspend the student from classes for a period of time. If a student comes off suspension and still does not improve performance, the University may dismiss the student. Dismissal is final and precludes any possibility of readmission.

Saint Peter’s University Credit Hour Assignment Policy

This Credit Hour Assignment Policy ensures that the number of credits awarded for the completion of each course taught at Saint Peter’s University reflects United States Department of Education (USDOE), Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) and New Jersey state requirements for classroom hours and recommended out of class course work. 

The policy assures that measurable learning outcomes and credits awarded for the completion of programs that do not adhere to the standard definition of a “credit hour” (such as online, hybrid and internship courses, as well as credits awarded through prior learning assessment) are consistent with those assigned to traditional face-to-face courses, considering course content and expected learning outcomes.

This policy applies to the assignment of credit hours to all current and new Saint Peter’s University programs, undergraduate and graduate.

Definition of a Semester Credit Hour

One semester credit shall be equal to not less than one hour (50 minutes) of classroom instruction plus two hours (120 minutes) of out of class course work over a span of no less than fifteen (15) weeks.  

Definition of a Trimester Credit Hour

One trimester credit shall be equal to not less than one hour (50 minutes) of classroom instruction plus two hours (120 minutes) of out of class course work over a span of no less than eleven (11) weeks.  

Course Requirements

Consistent with the definition of a semester credit hour policy, students in traditional lecture/discussion courses are expected to devote two hours outside the classroom on related course work, including study, preparation of written assignments and course-related projects. Instructors acquaint students with all course expectations at the beginning of each course with a detailed syllabus that follows a prescribed format to foster the attainment of measurable learning outcomes. Syllabi include all course requirements and policies in addition to sharing clear evaluation criteria.

For programs that do not adhere to the standard definition of a “credit hour” (such as online, hybrid and internship courses, including student teaching, and credits awarded through prior learning assessment), courses shall be consistent with those face-to-face offerings, with due consideration given to course content and measurable learning outcomes. In addition, syllabi include a clear set of course expectations, policies and evaluation criteria.

Ongoing Assessment of Semester Credits

The number of credits assigned to each course shall be considered in course design and syllabi with expected student learning outcomes for each course meeting the semester hour standard. Consideration of assigned credits are part of the periodic review of syllabi by department chairs, regularly scheduled annual course assessments involving faculty and students, curriculum committee reviews, and formal program evaluations.  The school deans collect and store syllabi each semester.


The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the school deans, and the chair of either the Curriculum Committee or the Committee on Graduate Programs will review all new programs, including those associated courses and credit hours assigned, before submission to and approval by the Faculty Senate. New courses or changes to existing courses may not be instituted without prior departmental approval and the approval of the appropriate school dean. 

Enrollment Status

Full time status is defined as:

Six credits per trimester or

nine credits per semester constitute full-time status in graduate programs.

Graduation Review 

Students are obligated to apply for graduation and pay the graduation fee of $150 before the date specified in the academic calendar. Submission on the application triggers the evaluation process and other necessary steps before a degree can be awarded. Failure to comply with the deadline may result in delays in receiving final approval from your Program director and also in receiving a diploma. Students who do not apply for graduation will not be reviewed, conferred, or awarded a degree. 

University Commencement Ceremony

Students that graduated last November or December or expect to complete their remaining program requirements in February, May or August are eligible to participate in the University’s annual Commencement exercises held at the close of the Spring term. Effective Fall 2016, students who need no more than 6 credits remaining to complete degree requirements may participate in the Commencement exercises provided they have pre-registered for the remaining coursework in the Summer. Exceptions to the credit requirement will be permitted for students in the School of Education who need to complete student teaching/clinical practice in the Fall term. Non-education students that will complete their requirements in December are not eligible to participate in this year's Commencement and will be eligible next year.

To qualify for Commencement Awards, all program requirements must be successfully completed in February, May or August. Candidates that apply for December and request participation in early Commencement will not be considered for awards. 

Participation in the Commencement exercises is ceremonial and does not constitute degree conferral. After final grades are received and a final graduation verification is completed, diplomas will be mailed approximately one month after the ceremony to those who qualify.  All obligations to the University, including financial, must be fulfilled before the diploma will be released. Students may only participate in one Commencement exercise. Degrees are awarded in February, May, August, November and December.

Doctoral students must successfully defend their dissertation approximately one month prior to the Commencement ceremony held in May. Doctoral students who complete their requirements by August will be eligible to participate in the following commencement ceremony. 

Students who fail to complete all requirements will be moved to the next term that they register for or complete the requirements in.

Students with Disabilities

Saint Peter’s University is committed to providing students with disabilities educational opportunities free from discrimination.  Eligible students will be afforded appropriate academic accommodations and/or housing accommodations on a case-by-case basis.  Student, for the purpose of this policy, includes prospective students, full and part time undergraduate students, full and part time graduate students and doctoral candidates. 

Academic Accommodations

Self-Disclosure:  Saint Peter’s University is not responsible for identifying students with disabilities.  In order to receive academic accommodations, students must self-identify and apply for academic accommodations as set forth in this policy.  Students with disabilities seeking academic accommodations must self-identify to the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success. A student seeking academic accommodation must disclose information about the student’s impairment in support of the request and so that a meeting and discussion regarding appropriate accommodations may occur.  

Application and Documentation:  Students seeking academic accommodations must fill out an Accommodation Request Form.  Copies of the Accommodation Request Form are available in the Center for Academic Success and Engagement which is located in the lower level of McDermott Hall or may be obtained online from the Students with Disability website.  

Saint Peter’s University recommends that the Accommodation Request Form be submitted at least three weeks prior to the start of the term.  Students whose applications for academic accommodations are submitted after the start of the term will be processed as soon as possible. 

In addition to the student’s self-reporting of a disability, the student’s health care provider or other qualified professional must submit a certification in support of the student’s application.  Students may also submit additional supporting documentation to support their requests, such as IEPs, Section 504 plans, or prior evaluations for consideration.  Saint Peter’s University recommends that the supporting documentation be no more than six years old.

Confidentiality: To the extent permitted by law, any information about students’ disabilities or academic accommodations is kept confidential.   If release of student records is not required by law, students may elect to file a FERPA Waiver Request with Enrollment Services Center.  

Saint Peter’s University will not release student information about students’ disabilities to their professors, but may communicate with professors to confirm certain information relating to the approved accommodation (i.e. exam date/time) as set forth in this policy. 

Approval Process:  Academic accommodations must be approved by the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success. Students may deliver a completed Accommodation Request Form copies in person or by mail to the Center for Academic Success and Engagement to the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success, 2641 John F Kennedy Blvd, Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306. 

Matriculated students may also submit applications or supporting documentation by email to Students electing to submit applications through email must use their Saint Peter’s University email address. 

Following the student’s submission of the application and supporting documentation, a meeting between the student and the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success will be scheduled.  The purpose of this meeting is to review the documentation submitted and discuss potential academic accommodations.  To the extent practicable, these meetings will occur within the first two weeks of the term.

Accommodations will be assessed on a case-by-case basis depending on the student’s individual needs, course selection, documentation, and any other information presented during the application process.  Accommodations may include, but are not limited to, extended time to take examinations, alternative testing locations, alternative instructions (i.e. read aloud, different instructions), use of calculator, post-test reviews, and copies of materials or enlarged materials. 

All academic accommodations must be approved by the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success. If the student is approved for academic accommodations, the student will be provided a Letter of Accommodation by the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success addressed to each professor for every class that the student is enrolled in and is approved for accommodations in. 

Communication with Professors:  The Center for Academic Success and Engagement and the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success will not forward copies of Letter(s) of Accommodations to approved students’ professors. 

Students who receive Letter(s) of Accommodations must provide a copy of those letters to their professors in order to receive the approved accommodations.  Saint Peter’s University recommends that students meet with their professors during office hours or during any other scheduled time to discuss the Letter of Accommodation. 

Examinations:  Students approved to take examinations in an alternative location must submit notice to the Center for Academic Success and Engagement as soon as possible of the examination’s date and time, but at least 10 business days in advance of the scheduled examination.  The Center for Academic Success and Engagement will contact the student’s professor to confirm the date of the exam and to obtain testing documentation and resources. 

Whenever possible, students will be notified by a staff member in the Center of Academic Success and Engagement regarding the location and time of the examination at least 48 hours in advance of the examination.  

Renewals of Accommodations: Matriculated students must complete the Academic Accommodation Renewal Request and submit the form to the Center for Academic Success and Engagement.  Saint Peter’s University recommends that this application at least three weeks in advance of the start of the term. Supporting documentation must be presented with Academic Accommodation Renewal Request applications at least once a year.  For example, if a student requests academic accommodations for the fall term, and provides documentation in support of that application, the student may, but is not required to submit additional supporting documentation for the spring and/or summer terms. 

Changes of Accommodations:  Students are urged to contact the Center for Academic Success and Engagement at any point during the term to discuss changes to approve accommodations or to request alternative accommodations.   Changes to previously approved academic accommodations may require submission of additional supporting documentation.      

Academic Accommodation Grievance Process    

Denials:  Denials of academic accommodations must undergo an informal appeal process with the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success. Students will meet with the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success to discuss the accommodation denial.  During this meeting the student may present additional supporting documentation to support the requested accommodation.   Students will be notified of the outcome of the meeting within 10 business days of the meeting.

If the meeting with the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success does not resolve the dispute, a formal written Academic Accommodation Appeal may be filed with the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.  Reasons for appeal may include, but are not limited to, failure to provide any accommodations based on the initial documentation, concerns that the accommodations are unaligned with the student’s specific course load selected or changes to the courses selected or how access is impaired or lacking with your current accommodations. This must be submitted within 10 business days of the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success decision.  Students must include their contact information, identification number, a summary of the dispute and requested outcome.  The decision of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs is final.

Lack of Implementation:  Students who provide their professor(s) with their Letter(s) of Accommodations and whose professor(s) fail to implement the approved accommodations should schedule a meeting with the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success as soon as possible after the accommodations is not implemented. University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success will contact the professor(s) to reinforce that accommodations have been approved and must be implemented.

If the meeting with the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success does not resolve the dispute, a formal written Academic Accommodation Appeal may be filed with the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs.  This must be submitted within 10 business days of the meeting held with the University Disability Services Coordinator & Dean of Academic Engagement and Student Success decision.  Students must include their contact information, identification number, a summary of the dispute and requested outcome.   The decision of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs is final.

Official Written Communication to Students/Change of Address

It is each student’s responsibility to inform the University of any changes in directory information. You can update your address and contact information on Self-Service. A student’s lack of receipt of important notifications due to the student’s failure to provide a correct, current address is not an acceptable reason for non-receipt of important notifications. Ensuring that a correct address is on file is entirely a student’s responsibility.

Official Email Communication to Students

The official, sanctioned method of email communication with students is through each student’s account provided by the University. Students are expected to check their University email accounts regularly. A student’s lack of receipt of important notifications, due to the student’s failure to use the email account provided by the University, is not an acceptable reason for non-receipt of important notifications.

Medical Leave of Absence Policy

Purpose: Saint Peter’s University expects students to maintain continuous registration throughout their academic program.  It is sometimes necessary for a student to take a leave from enrollment for a period of time.  The policies and procedures described below establish a process for the medical leave of absence (medical withdrawal) of undergraduate or graduate student.  The procedures herein provide guidance for the basis for a medical leave of absence, process for requesting a medical leave of absence, responsibilities of the student, and appeals process.   

Basis for Medical Leave of Absence: Saint Peter’s University students who experience extraordinary cases in which serious illness, injury, psychological crises, or other significant medical related trauma that substantially impairs their ability to function successfully or safely as a student may be eligible for a medical leave of absence.  It is expected that time away from the University will be used for treatment and recovery.

  • Absence(s) from class due to an illness or medically related issue(s) is not a medical leave of absence and does not reduce financial obligations or guarantee that final grades will not be recorded.  Withdrawing from some or all classes for the semester does not constitute a medical leave of absence.  A medical leave of absence determination will be based on an evaluation by the appropriate College/School Dean in conjunction with the Dean of Students. A medical leave of absence is for a partial or complete withdrawal.   All applications for partial or complete withdrawal require thorough and credible documentation from qualified medical professionals.  Hand written doctor notes, prescription tabs, or other informal documentation will not be accepted.
  • A medical leave of absence request may be made at any time during the semester, but must be completed no later than the last day of classes in a semester.  Requests not completed by the last day of classes (retroactive requests) will be considered late requests and will be considered for the following semester barring exceptional circumstances. Students who are absent for one or more semesters before officially taking a medical leave of absence jeopardize their privilege to return without reapplication to the University.
  • Approval of a leave of absence request does not guarantee that a student will remain able to complete degree requirements withing the timeframe associated with their accepted catalog year or as required by the academic college. Individual colleges may have additional stipulations. Students should review the appropriate school or college website and/or inquire with academic advising staff regarding the potential change in degree complete from a medical leave of absence. 
  • A medical leave of absence is not intended to be a way of shielding a student from unsatisfactory progress or any other academic concern.  A medical withdrawal will not be used when disciplinary or other academic responses are appropriate and the student's circumstances should be addressed through those responses.
  • A student on a medical leave of absence is not permitted to reside in Saint Peter’s University owned or affiliated housing, attend classes, conduct research, maintain employment, participate in Student Life or other campus events, or utilize Saint Peter’s University facilities.

Student Responsibilities

Student have several responsibilities in the medical leave of absence process:

  1. Students are responsible for completing a written Request for Medical Leave of Absence Form along with appropriate documentation as outlined below in the ‘Medical Leave of Absence Student Request Procedures’ section.
  2. Students are responsible for their financial obligations and loan repayments.  This policy does not have any effect on the exemption of students from student loan repayments or other financial obligations.  Before taking a medical leave of absence, a student should contact their lender regarding repayment obligations that may arise as a result of their medical leave. A student should also consult with a Financial Aid officer to discuss any impact the leave may have on financial aid and their tuition bill.
  3. Students who are participating in an Intercollegiate Athletics program should contact Intercollegiate Athletics to discuss the implications for eligibility and other concerns related to a medical leave of absence.  
  4. International students with an F1/J1 visa should contact the Director of the Center for Global Leaning to discuss the implications and impact on an immigration visa that may result from your medical withdrawal from the University.

Medical Leave of Absence Request Student Procedures

Requests for medical leave of absence must be submitted by undergraduate or graduate degree candidates to the appropriate school or college dean. To request a medical leave of absence, you must submit a Request for Medical Leave of Absence Form along with appropriate documentation. Appropriate documentation for a medical leave of absence withdrawal consists of a letter from your attending health care provider on letterhead that specifies the following: 

  • the date of onset of illness,
  • the dates you were under professional care,
  • the general nature of your medical condition and why/how it prevented you from completing course work,
  • the date of your anticipated return to school, and
  • the last date you were able to attend class.

Additional documentation may be requested should it be determined by the appropriate school dean, or the Dean of Students.  The letter must be typed on the health care provider's letterhead stationery and submitted in a sealed envelope.

Medical Leave of Absence Effective Dates - A medical withdrawal, if approved, is effective on the day a signed and fully completed request is received in the appropriate school dean's office.  

Tuition, Fees, and Refund Schedule - Approval of a medical withdrawal does not exempt students from their financial obligations. Tuition is adjusted in accordance with the University’s refund schedule, which is published by the Office of Student Accounts and is available at  Fees are non-refundable after the last day of add/drop.

Parental Notification - The University reserves the right to notify a parent or guardian if deemed appropriate under the circumstances and applicable laws, including making arrangements for the family member to pick up the student from the University’s premises.

Privacy of Information Regarding Medical Leave - The University will maintain the privacy of information regarding voluntary and involuntary leaves in accordance with federal, state, and local law, and to the greatest extent consistent with the goal of processing such leaves.

Process for Appeal of Decision - Students may be eligible to appeal a determination of ineligibility for a medical leave of absence after a decision has been made in writing by the appropriate dean.  Students who fail to complete the requirements or deadlines will be ineligible for an appeal.  A student may request an appeal to the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost or designee within five business days of the receipt of the decision.  The Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost or designee will review of the decision.  Appeals submitted after five business days will not be considered however; the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost or designee may accept late supporting documentation (medical records, documentation from qualified medical professionals, etc.).  Such request should be made in writing at the time of the appeal.  

The appeal should include detailed support for the request to modify the original decision.  The Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost or designee will review the student's appeal and may affirm, overturn or modify the decision within ten working days from the date of receipt of request for review or an agreed extended time.  The Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs/Provost or designee can meet with the student if needed or can consult with anyone that he or she determines is reasonable in order to review the appeal. The decision will be communicated to the student in writing and shall be considered final.

Notification of Rights under FERPA for All Students

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

1.) The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. A student should submit the University Registrar a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Registrar, she shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

2.) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the University to amend a record should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the University decides not to amend the record as requested, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

3.) The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information from the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The University discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the University has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using  University employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the University.

4.) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 202025901

FERPA Waiver Request

FERPA Waiver

Students who wish to authorize release of their academic information to parents, guardians, spouses or any other individual may do so by submitting a FERPA Waiver Request to the Enrollment Services Center. Once recorded, the student will be able to issue authorization on Self-Service. By signing a FERPA Waiver Request, the student is waiving his/her rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and is asking that grades, grade point averages, course schedules, or academic standing be released to the named person(s) indicated on the Waiver. The requested information will be released to the named person(s) via Self-Service, once the system has been updated; in person with photo identification; or by mail when the named person makes a written request for the information. **

**Please note that absolutely no Non-Directory Information relating to academic status (e.g., grades and/or grade point average) will be released by telephone or email whether or not a Waiver is submitted. Also, the submission of a Waiver does not include the release of any student passwords.

Financial Aid

FERPA provides an exception regarding the release of education records information without the consent of the student when the release is related to financial aid. The disclosure is permitted if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the aid; determine the amount of aid; determine the conditions for the aid; and/or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.

Release of Information Via Telephone

Although FERPA does not preclude an institution from disclosing Non-Directory Information via telephone to the student or a FERPA Waiver contact, it is the University’s policy that no Non-Directory Information relating to academic status (e.g., grades and/or grade point average) will be released by telephone, whether or not a Waiver is submitted. Billing information, including tuition and fee charges; outstanding balances; and financial aid information, will be communicated via telephone providing the student or Waiver contact can correctly answer personally identifiable questions that only the student or Waiver contact would be able to answer. These questions may include, but are not limited to, Saint Peter’s Student Identification Number (Spirit Number), Permanent address on file, High School or previous institutions attended, and currently enrolled courses.

Statement Regarding Dependent Students

Institutions are not required to disclose information from the student’s education records to a parent of a dependent student. Saint Peter’s University does not accept proof of dependency status in lieu of a FERPA Waiver Request.

School Officials

School officials with a legitimate educational interest may access student education records with the scope of performing their job duties. A school official is deemed to have legitimate educational interest if the information requested is necessary for that official to

a.) perform appropriate tasks that are specified in his/her position description of by contact agreement; b.) perform a task related to a student’s education; c.) perform a task related to the discipline of a student; d.) provides a service of benefit relating to the student or student’s family. Disclosure to a school official having a legitimate educational interest does not constitute authorization to share that information with a third party without written consent.

Statement Regarding Transfer of Education Records

Saint Peter’s University does not release education records to any external third-party without a signed request.

Campus Security/Police Records and Disciplinary Records

In order to remain exempt from FERPA, law enforcement and disciplinary records are therefore created by the University’s law enforcement unit and/or Dean of Student’s Office, for a law enforcement or disciplinary purposes, and are maintained separately from education records.

Retention of Academic Documents

Saint Peter’s University does not re-release official copies of documents submitted for admission, scholarship application, or any other academic reason. This includes, but is not limited to, High School and non-Saint Peter’s University transcripts. A student may request copies of materials in the academic file; the copies provided will bear a “FILE COPY” watermark. The student’s signature is required to release copies of any documents from the academic file. Saint Peter’s University follows the American Associate of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officer’s (AACRAO) guidelines for retention and disposal of student records: materials in academic files are destroyed following 5 years of non-attendance for any reason. The complete policy is available in the Enrollment Services Center.

Release of Information Under Special Circumstances

Records may be released to parents without a signed FERPA Waiver Request under certain exceptions. These include health or safety emergency; or where the student has been found in violation of the University’s code of conduct relating to the use of alcohol and/or another controlled substance if the student is under the age of 21.

Student’s Right to Non-Disclosure of Directory Information

FERPA requires Institutions to give public notice to students in attendance of the categories of personally identifiable information which the institution has designated as Directory Information. Institutions may disclose Directory Information about former students without meeting the notification requirement; however, if a student has requested, at his or her last opportunity as a student, that Directory Information not be disclosed, the institution must continue to honor that request until informed to the contrary by the former student. If requested to withhold directory information by a student after he or she has left the institution, the institution may, but is not required to, comply with the request.

Information Which May be Designated as Directory Information

Saint Peter’s University hereby designates the following information as public or "Directory Information." Such information may be disclosed without a student's previous consent by the University for any purpose, at its discretion:  

  • Student Name(s) and Spirit Number
  • Address Information (local, permanent, and email)*
  • Telephone number (local and permanent)
  • Date and place of birth
  • Program major(s)/concentration(s), and minor(s)
  • Student activities including athletics
  • Dates of attendance
  • Date of graduation, degrees sought/conferred, and other academic awards
  • Most recent previous school attended and/or high school
  • Academic awards and scholarships, including Dean’s List
  • Full or Part-time status

 * Address information is not provided without a written request indicating the reason for the information.

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education's FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which your education records and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) contained in such records — including your Social Security Number, grades, or other private information — may be accessed without your consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (Federal and State Authorities) may allow access to your records and PII without your consent to any third-party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is "principally engaged in the provision of education," such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to your education records without your consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive your PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without your consent PII from your education records, and they may track your participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about you that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.

Procedure to Withhold Directory Information

Saint Peter’s University will not partially withhold Directory Information, so students are advised to think carefully before withholding disclosure as this may prevent third-parties from obtaining critical information in a timely manner, including degree conferral and enrollment verification. To withhold disclosure of Directory Information, written notification must be provided. Saint Peter’s University assumes that failure on the part of any student to specifically request the withholding of Directory Information indicates individual approval for disclosures. If you wish to restrict the release of Directory Information, please contact the University Registrar, who will explain the ramifications and provide a statement for you to sign as indication you do not want Directory Information released.

Policy Notification

At the beginning of each Fall and Spring semester, every student enrolled at Saint Peter’s University receives an email from the Registrar containing an updated FERPA policy for the current academic year. The policy also appears in academic catalogs, and printed copies are available in the Enrollment Services Center.


Enrollment Services Center

University Registrar

2641 John F. Kennedy Boulevard

Jersey City, NJ 07306

phone: (201) 761-6050   fax: (201) 761-6051

Graduate and Adult Support Services

Dr. Rosette Allegretti, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Gabrielle Planas, Coordinator of Student Support

  • EAB Navigate - Graduate students are now in our EAB system.  In consultation with the graduate program directors, EAB will be an important tool to benefit graduate students.  Part of the features of EAB includes institution reports to monitor the progress of students. We have seen great success with EAB on the undergraduate side, utilizing progress reports and retention alerts to provide support and guidance to struggling students.
  • Tutoring Services - graduate students and adult learners often need evening or weekend tutoring options.  These services can be housed in the reimagined School to align with the interests and needs of this population
  • Mock Defenses - doctoral students can gain valuable experience through mock defenses.  Those early on into their programs can attend these to become familiar with the process, and those who are nearing their own defense can practice in front of both peers and mentors. The mentors would then provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Career Services - partnering with CEEL, the new School will develop support and internship opportunities relevant to those in graduate programs.
  • Workshops - professional development workshops in key areas to succeed both academically and in the workplace will be offered, for example, Microsoft Office, Excel for Business Applications, etc.