Concentrations - MBA/MSA

Note: Core courses are considered Level I and must be taken before concentration courses.

Concentrations (Level II)

The following concentrations may be included as part of the MBA, MSA or dual MBA/MSA degrees. All are 9 credits, with the exception of Health Care Administration being 12 credits. A second concentration prior to the degree being awarded requires an additional 6 credits above those required for the specific graduate program.

Concentrations are composed of at least one required course and two or three additional courses to complete the concentration as noted below.

Business Analytics (all courses required)15
Intro to Data Science and AI
Data Analysis and Decision Modeling
or GB-503
Statistics for Managers
Python in Data Science
Predictive Analytic & Financial Modeling
Marketing Analytics & Operation Research
or DS-620
Data Visualization
Cyber Security (take 5 of the following)15
Cyber Security Planning & Risk Analysis
Cyber Security Ethical & Legal Concerns
International Communication & Networking
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
Disaster Recovery
Cybercrime and Digital Forensics
Data Science12
Intro to Data Science and AI
Data Management Systems
Python in Data Science
Data Structures and Algorithms I
International Finance (required)
or FN-524
International Finance
Financial Statement Analysis
Derivative Markets
Investment Analysis
or FN-514
Financial Engineering and Derivatives
or FN-512
Adv Investment Analysis & Portfolio Mgmt
Health Care Administration (all courses are required)12
Health Care Financing & Risk Management
Current Issues & Policies in Health Care
Health Care Administration
Health Care Administration II
Human Resources Management (all courses are required)12
Employment Law
Human Resources
Negotiations & Conflict Resolution
International Business12
International Business (required)
Choose two of the following:
International Finance
International Marketing
Global Business Cultural Experience
Choose three of the following:
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Organizational Theory
Negotiations & Conflict Resolution
Executives in Residence Seminar I
or GB-634
Executives in Residence Seminar II
Marketing Intelligence12
Marketing Strategy (required)
Choose two of the following:
Personal Branding
International Marketing
Marketing Research
Project Management12
Introduction to Project Management
Project Portfolio Tools & Technology
Risk Management and Insurance
Risk Management12
Enterprise Risk Management (required)
Choose three of the following:
Internal Controls / Sarbox
Strategic Risk Management
Risk Management and Insurance
Crisis Communications
Artificial Intelligence & Strategic Management12
Artificial Intelligence for Managers
Generative AI
AI Applications in Business
Internet of Things for Managers
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning12
Artificial Intelligence for Managers
Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
Generative AI
Machine Learning
AI Applications in Business
Nonprofit Management12
Nonprofit Management
Financial Management in Nonprofit Sector
Employment Law
Strategic Marketing: Nonprofit Sector


GB-699 Corporate Strategy: Initiation to Implementation, included within the program core

Electives - 0-3 credits

The number of elective credits varies by concentration.  Any course listed in the Graduate Business curriculum with a course prefix of AC or GB can be selected to round-out and broaden the student's knowledge.