Department of Arts

Dr. Jon D. Boshart, Chairperson

The Department of Arts offers four majors: Art History, Fine Arts, Graphic Arts and Visual Arts and Six minors: Arts Management, Graphic Arts, Music, Theatre Arts, Visual Arts, and Art History. Students in all four majors must maintain a 2.5 average in major courses.

Requirements for Art History Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Three of the required credits for the major count towards the Core Curriculum Requirements.

AR-127Intro to the Visual Arts (Core Fine Arts)3
AR-211Renaissance Art I3
AR-212Renaissance Art II (Capstone)3
AR-215Medieval Art (Capstone)3
AR-229Baroque Art3
AR-240Cultural Diversity in Art3
AR-384Art and Buddhism3
AR-340The Visual Arts in America3
AR-Fine Arts Electives12
Total Credits36

 Requirements for Fine Arts Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Three of the required credits for the major count towards the Core Curriculum Requirements.

AR-127Intro to the Visual Arts (Core Fine Arts)3
AR-128Intro to Music3
Art History Electives6
Visual Arts Workshop-Studio Electives9
Music Electives9
Fine Arts Electives6
Choose one of the following as a Capstone 13
Renaissance Art II
Medieval Art
Total Credits39

Requirements for Graphic Arts Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Three of the required credits for the major count towards the Core Curriculum Requirements.

AR-1592-D Design/Color Theory3
AR-160Drawing & Composition Workshop3
or AR-171 Live Model Figure Drawing Wksp
AR-214Art Advertising and Design3
AR-220Introduction to Computer Art3
AR-224Digital Imaging With Photoshop3
AR-232Art and Desktop Publishing3
AR-339The Pavan Graphic Publishing3
AR-366Digital Design Tools3
AR-368Graphic Design3
AR-381Art of Web Design3
AR-391User Experience3
AR-430Sr Thesis Project/Portfolio Presentation (Capstone)3
Graphic Arts Electives12
Fine Arts Electives9
Total Credits60

Requirements for Graphic Arts Major with a concentration in Photography

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Three of the required credits for the major count towards the Core Curriculum Requirements.

AR-220Introduction to Computer Art3
AR-157Introduction to Photography I3
AR-158Introduction to Photography II3
AR-214Art Advertising and Design3
AR-224Digital Imaging With Photoshop3
AR-232Art and Desktop Publishing3
AR-337Advanced Photography3
AR-375Camera Raw3
AR-376Digital Photography3
AR-430Sr Thesis Project/Portfolio Presentation (Capstone)3
Graphic Arts Electives21
Fine Arts Electives9
Total Credits60

Requirements for Visual Arts Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Three of the required credits for the major count towards the Core Curriculum Requirements.

AR-127Intro to the Visual Arts (Core Fine Arts)3
Visual Arts Workshop-Studio Electives21
Art History Upper-level (AR-200 or higher) Electives6
Two Fine Arts Electives6
Choose one of the following as a Capstone3
Renaissance Art II
Medieval Art
Total Credits39

 Requirements for Arts Management Minor

AR/BA-230Marketing for Artists3
AR-214Art Advertising and Design3
AR-220Introduction to Computer Art3
Electives from the following 3 credit classes9
AR 200 - 300 – or 400 Art History
AR-295Credited Internships3
AR-366Digital Design Tools3
AR-367Advertising and Packaging Design3
AR-368Graphic Design3
AR-371Graphics and Digital Marketing3
AR-381Art of Web Design3
BA-151Principles of Management3
BA-155Principles of Marketing3
BA-363Entrepreneurship: Creativity/Innovation3
CU-247Marketing Communications and Branding3
CU-277Strategies of Oral Communication3
Addition AR, BA and CU elective class can be discussed with the minor advisor for consideration and approval.
Total Credits18

Requirements for Graphic Arts Minor

AR-214Art Advertising and Design3
AR-220Introduction to Computer Art3
Graphic Arts Electives Approved by Advisor12
Total Credits18

Requirements for Music Minor

AR-128Intro to Music3
Music Electives15
Total Credits18

Requirements for Theater Arts Minor

AR-175Fundamentals of Acting I3
AR-265Group Singing I3
AR-266Group Singing II3
Theater Arts Elective3
Total Credits12

Requirements for Visual Arts Minor

AR-160Drawing & Composition Workshop3
AR-171Live Model Figure Drawing Wksp3
AR-166Sculpture Workshop3
Visual Arts Workshop-Studio Electives9
Total Credits18

Requirements for Art History Minor

Art History Electives6
AR-211Renaissance Art I3
AR-212Renaissance Art II3
AR-215Medieval Art3
AR-229Baroque Art3
Total Credits18


AR-110. Art in the City. 3.00 Credits.

Through weekly professor-led trips to and tours of the art museums of NYC, students directly experience, appreciate and understand important works of art. Honors Core course. Course Type(s): Honors.

AR-127. Intro to the Visual Arts. 3.00 Credits.

A comprehensive study of art history, focusing on important masterpieces, styles, and significant artists. By examining painting, sculpture, and architecture, students realize the importance of art in society.(Art History elective) Course Type(s): Arts/Language, Addl Humanities.

AR-128. Intro to Music. 3.00 Credits.

A brief history of Western music since the Renaissance. Composers, styles, and representative works from each major period will be discussed. (Music elective) Course Type(s): Arts/Language, Addl Humanities.

AR-131. Beginning Painting. 3.00 Credits.

Introduction to variety of art paints, grounds, brushes, techniques.(Visual Arts elective).

AR-140. Figure Structure Workshop. 3.00 Credits.

A study of the human figure in two and three dimensions working from a plaster model. Proportions of the skeleton and mechanism of motion are emphasized. Additional course fee of $75.(Visual Arts elective).

AR-151. College Chorale I. 1.00 Credit.

Semester's active participation (at least15 hours) in one of the college's vocal arts ensembles (both practice and performance). Graded P/F.(Music elective).

AR-152. College Chorale II. 1.00 Credit.

Semester's active participation (at least15 hours) in one of the college's vocal arts ensembles (both practice and performance). Graded P/F.(Music elective) Prerequisites: AR-151.

AR-153. College Chorale III. 1.00 Credit.

Semester's active participation (at least15 hours) in one of the college's vocal arts ensembles (both practice and performance). Graded P/F.(Music elective) Prerequisites: AR-151 AR-152.

AR-157. Introduction to Photography I. 3.00 Credits.

Beginning with basic camera operation, students learn the visual and technical elements that create a photograph. 35mm camera will be used. Additional course fee of $75. (Visual Arts and Graphic Arts elective).

AR-158. Introduction to Photography II. 3.00 Credits.

Directed toward developing a personal style of picture taking, this course includes dark-room experience in processing and printing black and white film. Additional course fee of $75. (Visual Arts and Graphic Arts elective).

AR-159. 2-D Design/Color Theory. 3.00 Credits.

This course is an introduction to the elements and principles of 2-Dimensional design. Composition issues and strategies valid in all areas of visual design are explored through examples, exercises, critiques and creative projects.(Graphic Arts elective).

AR-160. Drawing & Composition Workshop. 3.00 Credits.

Studio work: theoretical analysis and practical application of some of the components of a work of art: form, line, shape and value. Additional course fee of $75.(Visual Arts elective).

AR-161. Painting Workshop. 3.00 Credits.

Studio work: texture, color, and space are studied. Additional course fee of $75.(Visual Arts elective).

AR-162. Painting and Drawing Workshop. 3.00 Credits.

Studio work: basic techniques. Additional course fee of $75.(Visual Arts elective).

AR-165. Figure Painting Workshop. 3.00 Credits.

Studio work: study of the human form in color. (Visual Arts elective).

AR-166. Sculpture Workshop. 3.00 Credits.

Studio work: exploring different materials and their properties to create 3 Dimensional forms in space. Projects include: patterning and triangulation of geometric shapes, assemblage methods of the modular form, found objects, hand building with clay hollow abstract sculptures, glazing and RAKU firing, hand casting with alginate and plaster, wire linear forms. (Visual Arts elective).

AR-171. Live Model Figure Drawing Wksp. 3.00 Credits.

Studio work: study of artistic anatomy from live models. Additional course fee of $75. (Visual Arts elective).

AR-172. Landscape Ptg Wshp. 3.00 Credits.

Beginning approaches to landscape painting; including composition, perspective, and texture. Additional course fee of $75.(Visual Arts elective).

AR-175. Fundamentals of Acting I. 3.00 Credits.

Students will use scenes, activities, and games to learn to improvise, move on stage, project their voices, understand a scene, and develop a character.

AR-190. Understanding Film. 3.00 Credits.

Screenings, readings, discussions to provide an understanding of the elements of film medium. Additional course fee of $75. Prerequisites: 1 COURSE; FROM CM-115 CM-116 CM-117 CM-119 CM-120 HP-122 Course Type(s): Arts/Language.

AR-211. Renaissance Art I. 3.00 Credits.

Study of fourteenth-century Italian art and its development through the fifteenth century: Giotto, Duccio, Donatello, Masaccio, Botticelli, etc.(Art History elective).

AR-212. Renaissance Art II. 3.00 Credits.

Study of the High Renaissance and Mannerism in painting and sculpture, especially Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael. (Art History elective) Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive.

AR-214. Art Advertising and Design. 3.00 Credits.

Appreciation of the non-verbal communication of visual images: light, color, shape, line, texture, design principles, etc. Studies through projects creating effective advertising images. Additional course fee of $75.(Graphic Arts elective).

AR-215. Medieval Art. 3.00 Credits.

A study of Early Christian, Byzantine, Carolingian, Ottonian Romanesque and Gothic art. Emphasis on the beginnings of Christian art and on Gothic cathedrals. (Art History elective) Course Type(s): Writing Intensive, Capstone.

AR-220. Introduction to Computer Art. 3.00 Credits.

Designed to introduce the student to using the computer for design in InDesign, photo manipulation in Photoshop and illustration in Illustrator. Both artist and non-artist, graphic arts or internet. Projects form basis of professional portfolio. Additional course fee of $75.(Graphic Arts elective).

AR-224. Digital Imaging With Photoshop. 3.00 Credits.

Photoshop use: production and presentation, printing your work, portfolio preparation and internet emphasized. Additional course fee of $75.(Graphic Arts elective).

AR-229. Baroque Art. 3.00 Credits.

A study of the painting, sculpture, and architecture of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Emphasis: Caravaggio, Bernini, Rubens, Rembrandt, Velazquez, Zurbaran.(Art History elective).

AR-230. Marketing for Artists. 3.00 Credits.

Making art is the fun part. Now you have to get your work out there! Not sure how to market your art? This course in Marketing for Artists will show students tips and tools to help them learn how to promote themselves as an artist. Art marketing is a key part of being an artist. This course will cover building an online portfolio, writing an Artist Statement, social media best practices, SEO (search), and other essential marketing tools to promote yourself in the art world. Virtual galleries, changes in new media and how that impacts artist and Gallery relationships. What do you do when you get the sale? We will discuss contracts, price lists, and how artists can protect themselves legally. We will also have guest speakers for the class to hear from other professionals.

AR-232. Art and Desktop Publishing. 3.00 Credits.

Creation of a brochure, mailer, newsletter or magazine at home or in business. Use of current programs per business world standards. Emphasis on aesthetic concerns. Additional course fee of $75.(Graphic Arts elective).

AR-238. The Science of Art. 3.00 Credits.

Materials of art and artifacts, scientific and technical principles underlying the creation of art works, authentication and forgery, deterioration due to time and environment, restoration techniques. Three class periods weekly.(Visual Arts elective).

AR-240. Cultural Diversity in Art. 3.00 Credits.

Through guided visits to various ethnic art museums/collections (such as Asia Society, Japan Society, China Institute, African Art Museum, Museum of the American Indian, Jewish Museum) students experience cultural diversity. A multi-cultural course which broadens students' appreciation of ethnic identities through the study of ethnic art. Additional course fee of $235.(Art History elective) Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values, Pluralism.

AR-242. Computer Illustrator. 3.00 Credits.

Uses in print graphics, advertising, charts for marketing. Graphic implementations in all areas of business and marketing. Additional course fee of $75.(Graphic Arts elective).

AR-250. Live Performance Art. 3.00 Credits.

Participants will be enlightened, enriched, entertained, by attending performances representative of Broadway musicals, ballet, concerts, dance, and opera. Additional course fee of $235.(Music elective).

AR-253. Environmental Art & Issues. 3.00 Credits.

The course is designed to look at environmental issues through the interpretations of an artistic venue. It explores how interdisciplinary environmental discussions within academic and activist communities can inform the artist and their work as well as society at large. Includes research on topics such as eco-ethic, animal rights, environmental justice, green consumerism and eco-activism. The work created will be presented in a university gallery space, web site and/or through a public dialogue on campus for university students and the community at large. The course is geared toward a range of disciplines within and outside the arts inviting a wide range of students to take this course. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

AR-255. Live Musical Art. 3.00 Credits.

Attendance at live musical events in the metropolitan area. A wide range of music is sampled and discussed through direct experience. Additional course fee of $235. (Music elective).

AR-260. Music Theory I. 3.00 Credits.

An introduction to species counterpoint and common practice harmonic analysis. Prerequisites: AR-128.

AR-265. Group Singing I. 3.00 Credits.

For beginning voice students; basic skills including confidence, self-expression, phonation, diction, phrasing. Prepare audition-ready song. (Music elective).

AR-266. Group Singing II. 3.00 Credits.

For intermediate-level singing. Performance skills including breath support, resonance, blending, expressiveness. Peer and professional observation.(Music elective).

AR-267. History of Graphic Art. 3.00 Credits.

This course investigates the evolution of Graphic Arts. The focus of the class will be on individual artists, movements and technologies, exploring the relationship between design and its viewers as well as analyzing the visual attributes that make a work of art.(Graphic Arts elective).

AR-273. Rock History. 3.00 Credits.

A survey of rock music, analyzing the origins and evolution of electrified American popular music, 1950's to the present.(Music elective).

AR-279. Watercolor Painting. 3.00 Credits.

Introduction to watercolor painting techniques, watercolors, papers, brushes, methods. Additional course fee of $75.(Visual Arts elective).

AR-282. Beginning Piano. 3.00 Credits.

Exercises and songs in the three simple keys (C, G, F; A, E, D). Songs and piano pieces will be practiced and performed. For beginners.(Music elective).

AR-293. Today's Film Scene. 3.00 Credits.

Students will meet in Manhattan to view and analyze contemporary films, often before they are released to the general public. At times the filmmakers are likely to participate. The course will give students a knowledge of the contemporary film scene as well as skills in film analysis. Additional course fee of $235.

AR-295. Credited Internships. 3.00 Credits.

AR-300. Mixed Reality. 3.00 Credits.

Mixed Reality class is an introduction to emerging technologies in XR, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). These technologies are changing in education, entertainment, gaming and engineering industries at a rapid pace. This program is a comprehensive introduction to developing XR reality applications. Students will learn about device platforms, the metaverse, augmented reality face filters and virtual reality gaming platforms and the building applications used to deploy and which devices they can be deployed to. The class will include demos of various AR/VR applications , VR Headsets and latest news on future applications and upcoming devices.

AR-305. AI's Ethical Impact in the Arts. 3.00 Credits.

This course examines the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence in the realm of art. Students will review AI programs used to create art. Explore the moral implications of AI-generated art, its impact on creativity, and the ethical challenges it poses to traditional artistic practices. Gain insight into the intersection of technology, ethics, and artistic expression. Course Type(s): Values.

AR-320. Augmented Reality. 3.00 Credits.

Augmented Reality's (AR) emerging technology is changing human interaction in education, entertainment, gaming, and engineering industry at a rapid pace. This program is a comprehensive introduction to developing Augmented Reality applications using Spark AR and Unity. Students will create virtual applications that will be deployed to mobile devices. The class will include demos of various AR applications and the latest news on future applications and upcoming devices. Additional course fee of $75. Course Type(s): Lab Courses.

AR-337. Advanced Photography. 3.00 Credits.

Intensive darkroom work to produce exhibition quality portfolios. Technical information will be stressed.(Visual Arts elective) Prerequisites: AR-158.

AR-338. Ethics and Photography. 3.00 Credits.

The writings of A.D. Coleman, Susan Sontag, James Mitchell and others which form the basis for analysis of trends in photography. Visits to exhibitions in SoHo and Chelsea will be scheduled.(Visual Arts elective) Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 FROM COURSE PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSE TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

AR-339. The Pavan Graphic Publishing. 3.00 Credits.

Students will produce a professional magazine publication. The perfect portfolio project. Working with the editorial team, graphic arts students will illustrate stories and poems and use their InDesign skills to design SPU's Pavan Arts and Literary Publication. Style sheets, master pages and templates. Linear blends, bleeds, color and trapping. (Graphic Arts elective) Prerequisites: AR-214 AR-220 AR-232.

AR-340. The Visual Arts in America. 3.00 Credits.

A survey of art in the United States from the Colonial period to the present.(Art History elective).

AR-350. Typography. 3.00 Credits.

Placement, sizing, personality, color, tracking, kerning, leading and other aspects of type plus its history and use as abstract design elements. Student create fonts. Additional course fee of $75.(Graphic Arts elective) Prerequisites: AR-214 AR-220 AR-232.

AR-361. Color Photography I. 3.00 Credits.

This course explores the theory, manipulation, lighting (daylight and flash), and the printing of color photography.(Visual Arts elective) Prerequisites: AR-157.

AR-366. Digital Design Tools. 3.00 Credits.

Analysis and skills development in areas of: color, memory management, text, format, web use and print. Projects require use of Graphic software in tandem. Additional course fee of $75.(Graphic Arts elective) Prerequisites: AR-220.

AR-367. Advertising and Packaging Design. 3.00 Credits.

This course explores various approaches to 3-D design. Students develop and execute package designs, fabrication materials and techniques. (Graphic Arts elective) Prerequisites: AR-214 AR-220.

AR-368. Graphic Design. 3.00 Credits.

This course introduces the student to the basic ideas of design: symbology, typography, illustration and photography. The student will be exposed to the essentials of the field, the use and care of materials, career options, and an introduction to basic terminology. The organization and communication of information through work and image will be emphasized. (Graphic Arts elective) Prerequisites: AR-214 AR-220.

AR-370. Mobile App Design. 3.00 Credits.

This class gives the students an understanding of the growing use of mobile applications. Students will build their interface design (UI) and user experience design (UX) using Adobe XD, building wireframes and prototypes to show how their mobile application will work. Other programs used in the course will be Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to develop the overall style of their apps, including things like the color scheme, font selections, and the types of buttons and widgets the user will use in the final interface design. Course Type(s): Lab Courses.

AR-371. Graphics and Digital Marketing. 3.00 Credits.

In the exciting industry of Digital Marketing students will learn how important and necessary graphics and designers are in digital marketing. Lessons will cover strategic designs that communicate to a target audience for specific brands, how brand identity and consistency are crucial in the digital marketing websites, social media channels, e-commerce advertising and the future of advertising such as XR, NFTs and the Metaverse.

AR-375. Camera Raw. 3.00 Credits.

This course is designed to introduce the student to the creative and technical possibilities of photography and digital media. Hands-on sessions as well as demonstrations will enable the student to learn the basics of using a digital camera and the imaging software Photoshop, Camera Raw and iPhoto. Topics to be cover will include camera operation, shutter speed, aperture, focal length, composition, lighting for fine art shooting, uploading files, image enhancement, bit depth, resolution, file size, histograms, curves archiving, organizing and storing work, printing and more.(Graphic Arts elective) Prerequisites: AR-224.

AR-376. Digital Photography. 3.00 Credits.

This course is designed to introduce the student to the creative and technical possibilities of photography and digital media. Hands-on sessions as well as demonstrations will enable the student to learn the basics of using a digital camera and the imaging software Photoshop Camera Raw and Photo. Topics to be cover will include camera operation, shutter speed, aperture, focal length, composition, lighting for fine art shooting, uploading files, image enhancement, bit depth, resolution, file size, histograms, curves archiving, organizing and storing work, printing and more.(Graphic Arts elective).

AR-381. Art of Web Design. 3.00 Credits.

Learn to design customized user-friendly responsive website, portfolio-worthy projects. Learn to design dynamic Web and mobile experiences with typography, HTML, CSS, and more. Explores artistic aspects, ideas and techniques of Web design coding and design with Dreamweaver. Class will review WEB 3.0 and the future of the internet. The course will also cover websites template solutions such as Wordpress. Additional course fee of $75.(Graphic Arts elective) Course Type(s): Lab Courses.

AR-382. Piano Workshop. 3.00 Credits.

A studio course to develop student's basic, beginning level skills as well as those of intermediate level students.(Music elective).

AR-383. Animation Production. 3.00 Credits.

A career in Animation is a fun and exciting industry which is used in entertainment, arts, business, and social media. A skill that is always in demand and is high paying. Students will learn the basics to animation and storytelling using various programs such as: Adobe Animate, Spark AR, Unity, and Blender, Media Encoder. Topics covered will Include: animation, storytelling with animation, augmented reality and virtual spaces and motion graphics, tweening, video effects, movie clips and importing sounds. We will also work with video compression and compatibility formats. Course Type(s): Lab Courses.

AR-384. Art and Buddhism. 3.00 Credits.

A value-oriented, in-depth study of Buddhist theology and philosophy as expressed in art. Buddhisms changing visual expressions will be investigated. Emphasis will be placed on artistic expression of religious values. Additional course fee of $235.(Art History elective) Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values, Pluralism.

AR-391. User Experience. 3.00 Credits.

User Experience (UX) Design is one of the most in demand professionals for designers today. This course will focus on UX's conceptual design discipline that focuses on interactions between human users, machines, and contextual environments to design systems that address the user's experience. This hands-on UX class allow the student to learn about the complete UX design process; user research, requirements gathering, user flows, sketching and wire framing, prototyping, usability testing, development and post-development. This UX class will blend lecture, discussion, industry examples, and classroom activities. User Interface (UI) Design is the compliment to UX Design. It explores the look and feel, the presentation and interactivity of a product. The differences between these two areas will be investigated. Course Type(s): Lab Courses.

AR-399. Independent Study. 3.00 Credits.

AR-424. Baroque Art and Culture. 3.00 Credits.

Interdisciplinary study of Baroque, 17th Century, Art and Culture focusing on Rembrandt and Rubens and the political and religious disputes which differentiated their artistic expression. Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive.

AR-430. Sr Thesis Project/Portfolio Presentation. 3.00 Credits.

This class is designed to provide the Studio Art and Graphic Design student with a cumulative experience of their major. A completed portfolio representing the studio area of specialization, along with a written statement of personal philosophy in the development of the visual imagery, will be presented in the form of a show. A wide variety of career-oriented topics will be discussed. Resume, cover letters and other self-promotional and business skills will be addressed.(Graphic Arts elective) Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive.

AR-499. Short-Term Study Abroad. 3.00 Credits.

Additional travel course fee of $50. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): International (Travel), Values.