Graduate Education Course Descriptions
GE-500. Historical/Philosophical Foundations/Edu. 3.00 Credits.
Examination of historical and philosophical foundations of education in our socially and culturally diverse country; introduction to thoughts of influential educations and the principles and ideas underlying educational policies; development of personal philosophy of education through identification of ideologies behind educational systems, curriculum, and goals.
GE-501. Hist & Philosophical Found - Early Child. 3.00 Credits.
Examines the historical, social, political, and philosophical foundations that impact the education of children in a culturally diverse society. Principles and ideas underlying educational policies and how education responds to the evolving needs and dispositions of our society.
GE-502. Psychological Foundations of Learning. 3.00 Credits.
Processes, conditions, and techniques associated with learning in human beings; learning theories and their applications, heredity, the learning environment, motivational patterns, concentration, memory, effective study, reaction, intelligence, personality, mental health, and moral integrity.
GE-503. Psychological Foundation Early Childhood. 3.00 Credits.
Processes, conditions and techniques associated with learning in human beings, learning theories and their application to early childhood education settings. The learning environment will be discussed as it relates to supporting best practices in early childhood education and supports developmentally appropriate learning experiences.
GE-505. Directed Research in Education. 3.00 Credits.
Survey of the basic concepts, procedures, and language of social science research: problem formulation, research design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation. Development of the student's ability to evaluate published research.
GE-506. Child and Adolescent Psychology. 3.00 Credits.
This course introduces students to how a child develops from birth to age eight. It will address students with special needs, gifted students and English as second language populations.
GE-507. Professional Assessment Strategies. 3.00 Credits.
Course would incorporate subject specific content and strategies for taking standardized assessments.
GE-508. Research in Early Childhood Education. 3.00 Credits.
Survey of the basic concepts, procedures, and language of social science research: problem formulation, research, design, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation. Students will research a current topic/problem in the field of early childhood education and conduct a presentation on their findings.
GE-509. Hist./Cult. Background of Engl. Learners. 3.00 Credits.
This course will examine culturally diverse groups of students from various backgrounds and determine the influence they have had in today's schools with an emphasis on educational policies that have provided for the support of second language learners.
GE-510. Principle of Curriculum Design & Develop. 3.00 Credits.
A study of the elements and principles of curriculum design and construction for teachers at the elementary and secondary school levels. This course considers the theoretical concerns of curriculum planning as well as the activities involved in carrying theory into practice. Students will learn about effective curriculum planning that addresses state standards and meets the needs of students with diverse learning styles, disabilities and English Language Learners.
GE-511. Principles/Problems/Sch Administration. 3.00 Credits.
Theories of leadership behavior: the changing role of the administrator, the roles of school personnel in administration, school and community relationships. Budget-planning responsibilities, master schedule construction, relationships with staff and pupil personnel, problem-solving techniques will be discussed.
GE-512. Assessment/Student Ability/Achievement. 3.00 Credits.
An overview of essential concepts and principles of classroom and school-wide formative and summative assessments such as PARCC. An examination of tests and trends in testing, namely, psychological, standardized, and achievement tests and the rationale and assumptions underlying these assessments. Consideration and evaluation of the types of tests commonly used such as PARCC, state, local, and national assessments as well as discussion of the interpretation of the results.
GE-513. Fundamentals/Elem and Secondary Supervsn. 3.00 Credits.
The supervisor's role as an educational leader/consultant. Objectives and techniques of instructional supervision; state mandated rules for evaluation of teachers and administrators; an analysis of evaluative instruments; and the supervisor as curriculum manager.
GE-514. School Finance. 3.00 Credits.
A study of the role of the local, state, and federal government in the financing of public education.
GE-516. School Law. 3.00 Credits.
A study of the legal framework in which public education operates. Federal and state laws affecting education and schools; school laws relating to the State Department of Education, school districts, local boards of education; and NJ 18A.
GE-517. Prin of Curr Dev in Early Childhood Educ. 3.00 Credits.
This course will focus on developing appropriate and innovative methods in teaching P-3 students.
GE-519. Cultural Diversity. 3.00 Credits.
The changing demographics in the world reflect a growing social diversity and require a heightened awareness of the need to develop culturally competent practitioners. A primary challenge is acknowledging the multiple social and cultural identities in an inclusive rather than exclusive way. This course is designed to heighten students' knowledge, awareness and understanding of differences among people, as well as raise students' consciousness and sensitivity to socially constructed problems resulting from difference.
GE-526. Fundamentals of Speech. 3.00 Credits.
This course introduces students to the theoretical and practical requirements of different types of public presentations and helps students understand the communication process. It will focus on the basic elements of the communication process and audience characteristics.
GE-527. Social Welfare. 3.00 Credits.
This graduate level course lays the groundwork in preparing students to be informed and competent professionals who implement programs and work to create policy change within organizations and beyond. Starting with an understanding of the development of the social work profession over time, students learn how theory impacts policy and agency work, with a focus on how social work values and ethics impact this trajectory.
GE-528. Internship: Admin/Supervision I. 3.00 Credits.
Internships are arranged to give students on-the-job training. Supervision is provided by college staff in conjunction with the superintendent of the school district and building principal.
GE-529. Internship: Admin/Supervision II. 3.00 Credits.
Internships are arranged to give students on-the-job training. Supervision is provided by college staff in conjunction with the superintendent of the school district and building principal.
GE-540. Fundamentals of Methodology. 3.00 Credits.
An analysis of effective teaching skills, classroom management techniques, successful motivational strategies, objectives, lesson plans and innovative methods. Additional TK20 fee of $100.
GE-541. Method Curr & Assess: Early Child Class. 3.00 Credits.
This course will focus on implementing developmentally appropriate teaching practices, classroom management techniques, successful motivational strategies, objectives, lesson plans, and innovative methods. In addition, students will be provided situations to assess professional goals, develop authentic assessment practices, and respond to the cultural, linguistic, and learning needs of all students. Additional TK20 fee of $100.
GE-542. Method & Educ Pedagogy of World Language. 3.00 Credits.
This course is designed to address the needs of students preparing to teach a world language in the K-12 classroom. The course is designed around the standards for Foreign Language Learning, commonly referred to as the Five C's: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities. Current theoretical bases for teaching world languages will be discussed and analyzed. Lesson plans will be created, assessments will be designed and mock lessons will be presented, critiqued and examined. The Oral Proficiency Interview and Praxis Exam will be explained and practiced. Many methods and techniques will be covered and demonstrated in order for students to understand different teaching practices.
GE-545. Teaching/Assessing 2nd Language Learners. 3.00 Credits.
Students will learn about the four domains of language (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and how each domain is developed as students learn the English language. Emphasis will be placed on specific research-based methods of teaching ESL (i.e. sheltered instruction) and effective ways of assisting the English Language Learner. Students will develop an understanding of effective ways of developing lessons for English Language Learners through various content areas.
GE-547. Student Teaching. 8.00 Credits.
Supervised classroom teaching experience on the elementary or secondary level including seminar meetings and conferences scheduled prior to and during the student teaching term. Additional TK20 fee of $100 and EDTPA fee of $300. Prerequisites: GE-546.
GE-550. Clinical Practice 1: Early Child & Elem. 4.00 Credits.
Clinical practice in an early childhood or elementary setting in order to provide students with the skills and dispositions necessary to become effective early childhood teachers and develop relationships with school colleagues, families and community. Students will provide learning activities that support cognitive, emotional and social development. They will design learning experiences that support culturally responsive teaching, plan and assess developmentally appropriate lessons and units. Additional TK20 fee of $100.
GE-551. Clinical Practice 2: Early Child & Elem. 8.00 Credits.
Students plan and implement developmentally appropriate and culturally responsive curriculum in an early childhood/elementary classroom which demonstrates their knowledge of child development and the role of the school community with regard to children's learning. Students implement the Core Curriculum Content Standard through an integrated curriculum. They use multiple strategies to assess learning and demonstrate effective classroom management. Additional TK20 fee of $100.
GE-555. Computers in Curr Design Dev. & Eval. 3.00 Credits.
Application of computer in curriculum design, including areas such as instructional technology, research, communication with school community, and study skills; use of the internet in formulating curriculum which includes inter-disciplinary learning units to meet the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in all areas. The evaluation of the use of technology in school curriculum and design will be discussed.
GE-556. Integratng Tech in Early Childhood Class. 3.00 Credits.
This course will adapt the use of technology to the unique needs of P-3 learners.
GE-570. Foundation of Reading Curr. Des. & Dev.. 3.00 Credits.
The nature of the reading process: material and techniques used in readiness, language experience, work analysis, basic text, comprehension, content area, study skills and speed reading. Introduction to research based models of reading instruction and curriculum development; an analysis of state standards in language arts and literacy, and teaching reading across all areas of curriculum will be addressed.
GE-571. Diagnosis/Treatmt: Childr/Learn Disab. 3.00 Credits.
Theory and practice in identification, evaluation and remediation of learning disabilities. Understanding the role of the child study team and the development of an IEP. Introduction to legislation supporting students with disabilities. Summary of research on the human brain related to learning disabilities, formal and informal stages of referring students for learning evaluation.
GE-574. Diagnosis of Children/Reading Problems. 3.00 Credits.
Techniques for diagnosing elementary and high school students with reading difficulties, causes of reading problems; evaluation of frequently used tests and inventories including group and individual, survey and diagnostic, formal and informal evaluations will be discussed as well as communication of results to parents and colleagues; and a case study analysis of students withreading disabilities.
GE-576. Remediation/Children/Reading Problems. 3.00 Credits.
Remediation of elementary and high school students with reading difficulties; interpretation of frequently used tests and inventories including group and individual, survey and diagnostic, formal an informal; techniques of remedial and corrective treatment of reading disorders; evaluation of materials used in remediation; development of an IEP for reading.
GE-577. Research Seminar in Literacy. 3.00 Credits.
This course presents the basic concepts, procedures, and language of social science research: problem formulation, research design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation. The ethical and legal aspects of conducting educational research and sampling techniques in schools are explored. Students will learn to analyze and develop a related research project with the guidance of the professor. The course is specifically designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge to interpret, evaluate and apply research as it relates to special education and language literacy.
GE-578. Supervision of Reading Programs. 3.00 Credits.
Administering and supervising reading programs; initiating programs; conducting in service training; developing a budget; and conducting an evaluation of programs and personnel. Faculty development in areas of reading related to New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards.
GE-579. Supervised Practicum in Reading. 3.00 Credits.
Field experience: the opportunity for students to gain practical knowledge and experience in the fields of developmental and remedial reading instruction. Case study in diagnosis and remediation of instruction, supervised by a licensed reading specialist. Prerequisites: GE-574 AND GE-576.
GE-580. Teach. Lit. for English Lang. Learners. 3.00 Credits.
Students will explore effective ways of teaching literacy strategies while emphasizing second language acquisition strategies. Best practices will be examined and discussed. Students will learn about the transfer of language skills.
GE-585. Phonology&structure of American English. 3.00 Credits.
Students will examine and analyze the grammatical structures and the sound system of American English as it applies to English Language Learners.
GE-590. General Linguistics. 3.00 Credits.
This course will focus on the structures of the English language. Comparisons about the English language and other languages will be discussed. There will be an emphasis on the nature of language as a whole and how it is both learned and acquired. Students will learn about the interaction of first language and first language development and second language and second language acquisition.
GE-591. Process of Second Language Acquisition. 3.00 Credits.
Students will learn the stages of second language acquisition and develop an understanding of how second language learners move from one stage to the next. Students will review and compare research in the field of second language acquisition and discuss findings.
GE-599. Graduate Education Independent Study. 3.00 Credits.
Study of a selected topic in depth utilizing field-based or library-based research. Prerequisite: Approval of the Dean.
GE-605. Theory and Practice of Teaching ESL. 3.00 Credits.
This course covers the theoretical foundations of second language acquisition. Students will explore research-based methods of teaching second language learners. The relationship between the native language and the second language will be emphasized.
GE-606. Directed Research in Higher Education. 3.00 Credits.
Survey of the basic concepts, procedures, and language of social science research: problem formulation, research design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation. Development of the student's ability to evaluate published research in Higher Education.
GE-614. Edu Disabilities/Specialized Instruction. 3.00 Credits.
Provides an overview and introduction to educational disabilities and special education. Characteristics and prevalence of a wide range of disabilities will be explored. Students will consider contemporary instructional approaches used for specialized populations.
GE-615. Instruc Strategies/Students/Disabilities. 3.00 Credits.
Provides students with knowledge and skills necessary to provide instruction that is both individualized and aligned with core course expectations. Multi-sensory and multiple intelligence learning theories will be explored. Instructional emphasis will be provided on teaching techniques to assist their students in the development of their own strategies and skills with the ultimate goal of independent living.
GE-616. Effective Class Mgmt/Behavior Intervent. 3.00 Credits.
Explores and considers behavior management theories and techniques. Recognition of behavior difficulties, consideration of behavior assessment devices and application of behavior management systems applicable to whole class and individual students will be provided.
GE-617. Asstg Stu-Spec Needs-Gen Educ Classroom. 3.00 Credits.
Techniques and considerations to facilitate learning for all students will be explored. Examination of inclusionary learning theories such as differentiated instruction and universal instructional design will be emphasized. Course content will include adaptation of the learning environment, developing supports for special needs students using a collaborative approach and knowledge of in-class support methods.
GE-618. Assessm't Techniques/Stu Disabilities. 3.00 Credits.
Students will be introduced to the use of assessment based decision making. Applications of assessment toward special education eligibility, informed instruction and behavior management will be addressed. Background procedures and application of both functional and formal standardized testing will be examined. Students will gain familiarity with testing most frequently utilized for special needs populations.
GE-620. Effct Class Mgmt & Behavior Intervention. 3.00 Credits.
Explores and considers behavior management theories and techniques that are developmentally appropriate in the Early Childhood Classroom. Recognition of behavior difficulties, consideration of behavior assessment devices and application of behavior management systems applicable to whole class and individual students will be provided.
GE-631. Philosophy and Theory of Behaviorism. 3.00 Credits.
This course will focus on the scientific and philosophical underpinnings of behavior analysis from Greek naturalism to the 21st century. It covers the history and philosophy of science and psychology; the long past, short history, and recent origins of behavior analysis in cultural context; historical and conceptual relations between behavior analysis and other systems (e.g., behaviorism, psychoanalysis, phenomenalism, cognitivism); and historiographic issues and methods.
GE-632. Applied Behavioral Analysis II. 3.00 Credits.
Focus on complex behavioral principles and issues surrounding the application of behavioral principles in the analysis and modification of behavior. Student will learn to identify behavior and environmental relationships that constitute behavioral deficits or excesses. Prerequisites: GE-631.
GE-633. Applied Behavioral Analysis III. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on behavioral research and methodology to evaluate interventions based on single-subject experimental decisions. Different behavior assessment and behavior intervention strategies will be examined. Prerequisites: GE-632.
GE-635. Research Sem: Applied Behavior Analysis. 3.00 Credits.
This course will guide the student through the process of reviewing and analyzing data from a variety of sources, discussing various types of research designs, understanding the role of descriptive and inferential statistics, and the development and implementation of a thorough research project. Students will survey basic concepts, procedures and terminology used in education research. The ethical and legal aspects of conducting educational research and sampling techniques will be explored. The course is specifically designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge to interpret, evaluate, and apply research as it relates to special education and applied behavior analysis. Prerequisites: GE-631.
GE-637. Web 2.0 Tools & Applications. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on using current Web 2.0 tools and applications in the classroom. Students will practice using various Web 2.0 tools and applications to increase student engagement and motivate learners. Course Type(s): Online Course.
GE-640. Intro to Learning Management Systems. 3.00 Credits.
This hands-on course introduces students to using a Learning Management System (LMS). The students will practice using the interfaces, functions and features of the systems. Students will create and organize learning content and produce their own materials using various Learning Management Systems.
GE-641. Instructional Design & Delivery. 3.00 Credits.
This course explores the basics of instructional design and delivery. Students will blend the principles of learning theory with hands-on technology skills. Students will acquire practice with a variety of technology-based applications while exploring principles of design and instructional delivery. Course Type(s): Online Course.
GE-642. Current Issues & Trends in Ed Tech. 3.00 Credits.
This course examines current issues and trends in educational technology. Students will explore how these issues and trends affect curriculum development and educational settings. Course Type(s): Online Course.
GE-643. Autism Spectrum Disorder & Other Disabil. 3.00 Credits.
The focus of the course is to develop an understanding of autism spectrum disorders as well as other low incidence disabilities and acquiring effective preacademic, academic and social interventions to help students learn and participate fully in the classroom. The course provides an overview of autism spectrum disorders, from early childhood through the school age years, the identification and etiology, and best practices in programs and services for students identified with ASDs, as well as other low incidence disabilities.
GE-644. Using Tech Face-To-Face Or Remote Class. 3.00 Credits.
This course introduces technology techniques and tools that can be applied in traditional, remote, and hybrid classrooms. Students will utilize technology tools that can be applied in a variety of different ways, depending on the course's delivery method. Practical, real-world examples and scenarios will be used. Course Type(s): Online Course.
GE-652. Curriculum Development for Stu W Disabil. 3.00 Credits.
Students will gain knowledge about curriculum design, curricular adaptations, material selection and other pertinent instructional planning considerations for students with disabilities in both integrated and segregated settings. Appropriate focus and emphasis will be provided on the New Jersey Professional Standards for Teachers and the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards recommended by national and state associations specializing in special education instruction.
GE-653. Assistive Technology- Uses & Application. 3.00 Credits.
Students will be introduced to the wide variety of assistive technology and will examine its usefulness and utility for students with disabilities. Consideration of assistive technology applications toward content instruction, student response, enhancement of classroom management, provision of social intervention and transition services will occur.
GE-654. Strategies Home Sch Comm Relationships. 3.00 Credits.
This course is designed to heighten sensitivity to the needs of families of children with disabilities and develop techniques educators can utilize to assist families. Emphasis will be devoted to effective home-school team building and the identification and utilization of community resources that assist in meeting family based needs.
GE-660. Introduction to Counseling. 3.00 Credits.
This course teaches students to understand what they need to be a counselor. Students will decide what the career of counselor is and whether or not they have the ability to become a counselor. The course explores various ideas used in counseling such as behavioral, psychodynamic and humanistic approaches. Students will understand the skills needed to be a successful couselor.
GE-661. Individual Counseling and Interviewing. 3.00 Credits.
Interviewing is a skill which provides both learning and reflection. Developing skills in interviewing and counseling requires a careful observation of oneself as well as others. This process is a complex one. The objective of the course is to explore the proper interviewing techniques and individual counseling of a client. This course suggests exploration of a much more complex values agenda- the values which inform the choices that are made as a counselor. The skills learned in this course will create greater communication skills which is a major component in counseling.
GE-662. Group Counseling. 3.00 Credits.
This program prepares students to counsel others in a group forum. These groups typically consist of 5 to 8 members. This is a program devoted to helping one to learn about themselves and others. This group process will assist students wanting to become more involved with the community. Students can use this group counseling program to talk about their concerns with others that share the same concerns. Together, with other students, students will learn new ways of viewing problems objectively.
GE-663. Career Counseling. 3.00 Credits.
This course provides the support needed in job searches. It not only supports students but challenges them as well. Students gain self-knowledge, educational planning skills and career decision capabilities. These services act as educational tools while at the same time assist students the most with promoting their educational endeavors.
GE-664. College Counseling. 3.00 Credits.
Examination of college guidance and admissions process in its entirety will be investigated. Topics include early college awareness, parental involvement, exploring colleges using the internet, college fairs, campus visits and interviews, preparing your list of colleges. All aspects of completing individual college applications and the common application, SAT, ACT early decision, early acceptance,early action and financial aid issues such as the FAFSA, grants, scholarships, loans, EOF, and work study will also be explored.
GE-665. Crisis Counseling. 3.00 Credits.
Introduction of concepts and procedures utilized in crisis counseling for students, faculty/staff, parents, and the helpers/counselors themselves. Topics include: district and school crisis committees, planning relationships with outside agencies such as police, emergency medical services, and the American Red Cross. The utilization of psychiatric emergency services, psychiatric screening services and mental health hotlines, grief counseling, memorial/remembrance activities, individual crisis intervention, and post traumatic stress.
GE-667. Abnormal Psychology. 3.00 Credits.
Child, adolescent and young adult psychopathology will be explored. Topics include the nature, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, psychopharmacology, mentally ill chemical abusers, the types, roles, limitations, certification and/or licensure of different practitioners, mental health evaluation and mental status exams and the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition (DSM - IV) of the American Psychiatric Association with an emphasis on understanding and using the multi-axis diagnostic scheme.
GE-668. Psychology of Exceptional Children. 3.00 Credits.
This course introduces concepts, procedures, diagnosis, treatment and related issues pertaining to the psychology of children with special needs in school settings. Topics include the nature, basis, and types of disabilities with emphasis on but not limited to mental disabilities, ADHD, learning disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and medical/physical handicaps, identification, referral, evaluation, classification, program, and placement processes, IDEA, Section 504, NJAC 6A-14, PRISE, and NCLB considerations; student, parent, school, and district rights and responsibilities; transitional issues, and gifted and/or talented students will be addressed.
GE-669. Community Agencies Organizations & Res. 3.00 Credits.
Students will examine the roles played by and relationships with institutions outside of the traditional educational setting who partner with, supplement, and at times supplant school counselors. Topics include DYFS, family, courts, police,sex crime units, hospitals, school based clinics, certified or licensed private practitioners of all types, faith based groups and individuals, self-help groups, community mental health centers, and confidentiality issues.
GE-670. Multicultural Counseling. 3.00 Credits.
To help a client, sometimes counselors must understand and respect their cultural values. A counselor should have the ability to deal with biases, stereotypes and racism. Because there is an abundant amount of methods that borrow from other cultures, it gives counselors in the western hemisphere a chance to improve their therapy techniques. The counselor should be able to adapt and adjust to the patients, cultural experiences and understand the world views of their clients. Multicultural Counseling is a very difficult and trying task and counselors should have the knowledge to understand their clients.
GE-671. Substance Abuse and Treatment. 3.00 Credits.
A comprehensive overview of psychoactive substance abuse, treatment and related issues with special emphasis on problems with alcohol will be explored. Topics include the nature of abuse and dependence involving single and multiple substances, commonly abused substances, identification and referral of abusers for treatment, treatment options to include evaluation, early intervention, detoxification, rehabilitation, outpatient, self-help groups, and various combinations of the aforementioned. Additional topics will incluse: the impact of substance abuse on the individual,family, school, and community, co-dependency, school based testing, and educational/preventative measures.
GE-672. Practicum in Counseling I. 3.00 Credits.
This course is designed to train counselors. Students will learn about phases in therapy such as cognitive and behavioral work and termination. This course also allows the students to explore various theoretical situations. This course details the dealing with adversity, ethics and ethnicity of people. Through this course, students are properly prepared for the challenges that they will face in counseling clients.
GE-673. Practicum in Counseling II. 3.00 Credits.
This course furthers the educational development from Practicum in Counseling I. This course teaches students to understand the responsibilities of a counselor. They will also learn essential team work skills that will help in working with a consulting team. They develop these skills through observation. Through this course students acquire, integrate and apply knowledge of the field.
GE-674. Family Therapy. 3.00 Credits.
Introduction to the history, concepts, and procedures of Family Therapy will be examined. Topics include: theories and practice, systems, nature of family therapy, treatment plans and relationships within families. An emphasis on bringing about constructive change and development, the impact of AIDS, substance abuse, medical problems, gender, culture, criminality, divorce, economics, terrorism, war, and other social problems on families, non-traditional families and the dynamics of the family/school partnerships.
GE-675. Ethics Law and Prof Issues in Coun. 3.00 Credits.
Examination of the effects of ethical, legal and other professional issues in counseling. Topics include the 2005 American Counseling Association Code of Ethics with a detailed examination and analysis of its eight main sections, institutional policies and procedures, local, state, and national law, codes, New Jersey School Law Decisions, case law and the discussion of selected current issues in counseling drawn from professional journals and similar publications in the areas of counseling, psychology, social work and psychiatry.
GE-676. Case Studies in Counseling. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses exclusively on case studies in counseling. It is an advanced post-masters pre-licensing seminar. Complex situations from school, private practice, hospital and agency counseling situations will be introduced, examined, and resolved. Following initial presentations by the instructor, participants will take part in multiple individual and group presentations. Some role playing will be required.
GE-677. Community Mental Heath and Wellness. 3.00 Credits.
Extensive investigations into preventing common problems will be explored. The course will focus on fostering good mental health or psychological wellness. The counselor is seen as functioning in an extremely proactive role and as a wellness educator. Topics include establishing peer mediation programs, suicide awareness, managing impulsivity, forming support groups, training peer counselors, developing study skills, learning stress reduction techniques, recognizing and dealing with depression, isolation, cultural differences, understanding issues in human sexuality, avoiding gang involvement, and improving ethnic, race and gender relations.
GE-680. History of American Higher Education. 3.00 Credits.
The history and development of higher education in the United States will be reviewed. Political and economic factors will be integrated into the curriculum. Current issues in diversity, globalization, international partnership, and online learning will also be explored.
GE-681. Ethical Decision Making & Social Respons. 3.00 Credits.
This course concentrates on the responsibilities of the educational leader as an ethical exemplar, leader, and educator. Students will examine a variety of current ethical educational issues and develop effective moral decision-making skills.
GE-682. Organizational Behavior & Administration. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on the theoretical and practical implications of organizational behavior from a sociological perspective. Students will study organizational concepts such as diversity in the educational workplace, motivation and individual differences in organizations, group dynamics and decision making, cooperation, teamwork, management, professional development and quality improvement programs.
GE-683. Governance Management & Administration. 3.00 Credits.
Overview of the organization, administrative roles and positions, administrative process, personnel management, and administrator relationships within various institutions of higher learning.
GE-684. Innovative Curriculum Strategies. 3.00 Credits.
The broad range of experiences and perspectives brought to school by culturally, linguistically, and ethnically diverse students required educational leaders to provide innovative teaching methods. Responding to each student as an individual and using a holistic approach is key. This course will empower you to provide the necessary resources for all students to succeed.
GE-685. Finance Budgetary Plan & Resource Alloc. 3.00 Credits.
An overview of the budgeting process, sources of revenue, types of expenditures, and issues and innovations in financing various types of contemporary institutions of higher education. The course will also include a survey of the various business and planning operations vital to the operation of colleges and universities.
GE-686. Emerging Legal Issues in Higher Educ. 3.00 Credits.
This course covers laws, legal principles, and critical issues pertaining to higher education in the United States and New Jersey. Students will explore constitutional and statutory laws, regulations, and landmark court decisions affecting policy and practice. Special topics such as search and seizure, disabilities, religion, speech, due process, and equal protection under the law will be discussed. Students will research and analyze actual case studies to ensure a problem-based approach experience.
GE-687. Accountability: Assessment/Accreditation. 3.00 Credits.
This course explores the role of assessment in higher education, with an emphasis on designing effective student learning outcomes and departmental goals; as well as institutional effectiveness strategies and review. Students will also be introduced to accreditation processes, and how to use national institutional survey data to inform assessment.
GE-688. Global Comparisons of Higher Education. 3.00 Credits.
This course provides a comparative analysis of national and international higher education institutions to identify strengths, weaknesses and best practices.
GE-689. Online College Teaching. 3.00 Credits.
This course explores Quality Matters, established online learning standards to recognize, understand and utilize established best practices for online college teaching. The course will explore additional technologies and tools for online teaching.
GE-690. Comprehensive Research Project. 0.00 Credits.
Comprehensive Research Project for students in the higher education in general administration program. Course Type(s): Senior Seminar.
GE-699. Comprehensive Exam. 0.00 Credits.
Comprehensive Exam Course Type(s): Tutorial.
GE-801. Curriculum Development and Instruction. 3.00 Credits.
This advanced course concentrates on how curriculum is developed and implemented in organizational settings. The course is based on theoretical research, current societal issues, and school-based needs for accountability based education with specific strategies to foster learning, interventions, personalization and mastery of the curriculum. The students will analyze current curriculum standards and educational reform movements.
GE-803. School Policy Analysis. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on current educational and societal policy issues. Students will investigate historical and legal aspects of educational issues as well as the political principles of contemporary education. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of educational policy, students will analyze the consequences and challenges in collecting policy information, incorporating various research methods, and implementing technology. Students will employ various resources to develop an extensive appreciation of the role of the educational leader in the American political and policy arena.
GE-805. Organizational Behavior& Educational Adm. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on the theoretical and practical implications of organizational behavior from a sociological perspective. Students will study organizational concepts such as diversity in the educational workplace, motivation and individual differences in organizations, group dynamics and decision-making, cooperation, teamwork, management, professional development and quality improvement programs.
GE-806. Dev. Inclus & Equit K-12 Leaders & Envir. 3.00 Credits.
This foundation course is a starting point for all K-12 leadership students. The course focuses on leadership topics that include diversity, equity, and inclusion. During this course, learners will prepare to serve as leaders in various K-12 environments as they study current educational theory and research. The course offers opportunities to explore social inequalities by virtue of ability/disability, class, ethnicity, gender and language, and how they are implicated within K-12 schools. Learners explore diversity initiatives as well as equity-driven program and curriculum development that involve stakeholders from a variety of educational areas.
GE-807. Statistics I. 3.00 Credits.
This course analyzes and applies descriptive and inferential statistics, elements of probability that support statistical theory, and theoretical distributions. Students will apply statistics to critical educational issues that require measurement, analysis, and decision making for organizational improvement. The students will also be required to design, conduct, and report a study that demonstrates their statistical skills.
GE-809. Research Design and Methods. 3.00 Credits.
This course will actively engage in the developent and implementation of a draft of the formal research proposal. They will be required to complete the research process by utilizing both a quantitative and qualitative approach toward their respective research topic. All required components of the research proposal outline must be included, as described in the American Psychological Association Manual current edition.
GE-810. Leading Org Change in K-12 Edu: Dei Init. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on the theoretical and practical implications of organizational change from a sociological perspective and an intentional DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) focus.. Students will study organizational concepts such as diversity in the educational workplace, motivation and individual differences in organizations, group dynamics and decision making, cooperation, teamwork, management, professional development and planning.
GE-811. Qualitative Research Design and Analysis. 3.00 Credits.
This course is designed to develop proficiency in collecting, analyzing, and reporting qualitative data, using a variety of qualitative tools including ethnography, research interviews, content analysis, case studies, phenomenological studies and participant observation.
GE-812. Univ Design Org: Strategic Plan for DEI. 3.00 Credits.
In this course, doctoral students will learn elements of universally designed leadership and learning (UDL) and how those elements apply to non-profit organizations, schools and school districts. Universally designed leadership involves: 1. designing plans for shared vision through multiple forms of engagement, 2. implementing shared vision by providing all stakeholders multiple means of action and expression, 3. planning that monitors progress via self-assessment, reflection, and mastery-level feedback, and 4. Allows process adaptation via stakeholders engagement and persistence. This course prepares students to apply UDL principles across strategic thinking and planning, using data and needs assessment to achieve a goal of racial, ability, and gender equity. Students will also learn how to involve stakeholders (internal, external) in developing strategic plans, evaluating success, and mobilizing communities to effect change that increases inclusion. In this course, students will construct an individually developed process for strategic planning in non-profit or education organizations with the goal of realizing equity and inclusion for all organization members. Course Type(s): Online Course.
GE-822. Historical Trends in Higher Education. 3.00 Credits.
The history and development of higher education in the United States will be reviewed. Political and economic factors will be integrated into the curriculum. Current issues in diversity, globalization, international partnership and online learning will also be explored.
GE-824. Innovative Strategies in Educ Leadership. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on innovative strategies in educational leadership in modern society and its impact on organizational efficacy and institutional change. Students will research and analyze the historical, cultural, sociological, philosophical and theoretical perspectives in the leadership process.
GE-825. Ethical Found and Social Responsibility. 3.00 Credits.
This course concentrates on the responsibilities of the educational leader as an ethical exemplar, leader and educator. Students will examine a variety of current ethical educational issues and develop effective moral decision-making skills.
GE-826. Analysis & Interpret of Assessment Data. 3.00 Credits.
This course will prepare teacher leaders and administrators to analyze, manage, interpret and make decisions based on the data that is commonplace in America's schools.
GE-827. Assessment & Eval for Administrators. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on understanding, designing, developing, and evaluating assessment tools in the K-12 school environment. Professional responsibility, ethical behavior, and legal requirements in educational settings will be examined. Students will be provided the opportunity to design an instrument, collect and analyze data, and present their findings. Traditional and alternative assessments will be explored, along with measurement concepts of validity and reliability. Students will discuss federal and state laws, the application of those laws, and accountability procedures. School Administrators' erroneous judgments and assessment abuses will be investigated. Students will research practical strategies for aligning classroom assessments with state standards and developing scoring rubrics.
GE-829. Using Tech to Improve Curriculum Design. 3.00 Credits.
This course focuses on the role of the educational leader in utilizing emerging technologies to achieve and enhance school reform. This course will enable students to plan for the integration of emerging technologies into the design of the curriculum, instruction, research and assessment. Students will study contemporary technology issues and implications in the use of information and multimedia technologies in teaching and learning, communications and management. Students will research legal and ethical considerations in the planning, funding, professional development needs and evaluation related to the use of educational technology. Prerequisites: GE-801 GE-803 GE-805 GE-807 GE-809.
GE-831. Account: Resource Alloc and Fin Chall. 3.00 Credits.
This course provides students with federal and state directives on school finance and educational equity. Economic principles and national income measures related to public education will be discussed. Students will investigate sources of revenue, expenditures, and fiscal problems, including federal, state, and local aid, taxation, planning, debt management, income, investments, and cost forecasting. Students will examine the budget process and comprehensive annual reports used by school districts in New Jersey. The role of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards in school finance will be explored.
GE-833. Emerg Legal/Moral Issues Facing Sch Adm. 3.00 Credits.
This course covers school laws, legal principles, and critical issues pertaining to education in the United States and New Jersey. Students will explore constitutional and statutory laws, regulations, and landmark court decisions affecting policy and practice. Special topics such as search and seizure, disabilities, religion, speech, due process, and equal protection under the law will be discussed. Students will research and analyze actual case studies to ensure a problem-based approach experience.
GE-835. Personnel Adm/Publ Sec Bargaining. 3.00 Credits.
This course provides students the opportunity to assess and evaluate their organization's personnel evaluation system, analyze developmental needs, develop an improvement plan and incorporate a model to enhanced professional growth. Students will analyze, synthesize and evaluate critical factors affecting human relations, effective grouping of employees and power sources and politics in an organization. Personnel administrative functions discussed include human resource needs, personnel security matters, collective bargaining negotiations, affirmative action, recruitment, selection, tenure, termination and legal parameters. Case study, lecture, and group interaction will be employed to promote and improve management's awareness of personnel issues. Prerequisites: GE-801 GE-803 GE-805 GE-807 GE-809.
GE-839. Statistics II. 3.00 Credits.
This course applies of both quantitative and qualitative methods and analysis implemented in this course as a direct extension of Statistics I. Students will expand previous knowledge for analysis, interpretation and decision-making in quantitative research to be used in education leadership and school improvement models. Students will use statistical software to aid in their research using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Prerequisites: GE-807.
GE-840. Inno Tech Strategies for HE Learner. 3.00 Credits.
This course will explore innovative technology strategies that can be used in higher education. The course presents information about educational technology theories, systems, and models as well as give students practice with hands-on applications and technology tools. Students will produce materials that are connected to educational technology in higher education.
GE-841. Selected Topics in Elem & Second Sch Adm. 3.00 Credits.
This course provides students with the opportunity to reflect upon their role as an educational leader and expand upon their Professional Growth Plan (PGP). Through the use of cutting edge research, various case studies, debate panel discussions, group interaction, and role-playing, students will acquire the skills and apply effective methods to solve contemporary problems encountered by educational leaders. Students will analyze and assess the results of specific research projects covering critical areas of leadership and management. Prerequisites: GE-801 GE-803 GE-805 GE-807 GE-809.
GE-843. Admin Internship K-12: Superintend Cert. 3.00 Credits.
The course is aligned to the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Educational Leadership Policy Standards for School Leaders and is supervised and taught by a former superintendent of schools/faculty member. The administrative internship consists of a daily log of completed administrative activities promoting the success of all students advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture conducive to learning implementing a vision for learning, data driven decision making and centered on the ISLLC standards. Prerequisites: GE-801 GE-803 GE-805 GE-807 GE-809.
GE-845. Advanced Quantitative Methods. 3.00 Credits.
Quantitative research methods, including theory, research design, role of educational measurement in quantitative data-based inference, evaluation and statistical analysis.
GE-864. Administration & Governance of Higher Ed. 3.00 Credits.
Overview of the organization, administrative roles and positions, administrative process, personnel management and administrator relationships within various institutions of higher learning.
GE-866. Enrollment Management and Marketing. 3.00 Credits.
This course addresses fundamental principles of marketing and enrollment management in a higher education including branding, differentiation, forecasting, and public and alumni relations. Discussion of strategic enrollment management processes includes legal and regulatory considerations related to student recruitment, financial aid, and diversity issues, as well as aligning marketing and recruitment efforts with institutional mission and goals. This course will also explore applications of online social networking systems, digital media, and other communications tools, in addition to traditional media and public relations strategies.
GE-868. Student Development and Programming. 3.00 Credits.
This course examines fundamental principles of student learning and development; the implications for student programming; and will explore strategies for effectively planning, organizing, and managing student services and programs, and for ensuring that these programs meet legal and regulatory requirements. A major focus is on the design and deployment of programs and services that can enable students from diverse backgrounds to achieve their educational goals.
GE-869. Culminating Seminar. 3.00 Credits.
This course will guide and assist in the development of the Culminating seminar. Emphasis will be placed on individual student work.
GE-871. Dissertation Seminar I. 3.00 Credits.
The course will guide and assist in the development of the dissertation proposal, writing dissertation chapters, design, data analysis, preparing articles for publication, developing research proposals for professional conferences and other professional arenas. Emphasis will be placed on individual student work with their Mentor and Dissertation Committee members.
GE-872. Grants Philanthropy and Development. 3.00 Credits.
This course will focus on the importance of fundraising in Higher Education. Emphasis will be given to alumni relations, prospect development, foundation research and proposal writing. Also included will be a primer on the legal principles of contracts and grants including how to identify sources, make the proposal, and manage the project.
GE-873. Dissertation Seminar II. 3.00 Credits.
In this course, doctoral students work individually with their Mentor and Dissertation Committee members on the completion of their dissertation. To be deemed acceptable, the dissertation must be evidence that the student has pursued a program of relevant educational knowledge in the field of educational leadership in a higher education or K-12 school system setting. Students must maintain continuous enrollment in this course until they have successfully completed and defended their dissertation. Students must have their dissertation proposal approved by the Doctoral Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects prior to registering for this course.
GE-874. Finance Budget and Resource Alloc in He. 3.00 Credits.
An overview of the budgeting process, sources of revenue, types of expenditures, and issues and innovations in financing various types of contemporary institutions of higher education. The course will also include a survey of the various business and planning operations vital to the operation of colleges and universities.
GE-876. Account: Assmnt Accred and Inst Res. 3.00 Credits.
This course explores the role of assessment in higher education, with an emphasis on designing effective student learning outcomes and departmental goals as well as institutional effectiveness strategies and review. Students will also be introduced to accreditation processes and how to use national institutional survey data to inform assessment.
GE-881. Advanced Independent Study. 3.00 Credits.
For doctoral students wishing to work with their mentor to study topics related to their dissertation.
GE-890. Dissertation Advisement 1. 1.00 Credit.
In this course, doctoral students have advanced to candidacy and completed Dissertation Seminar I and Dissertation Seminar II. Students must register continuously for advancement until the dissertation is successfully defended.
GE-891. Dissertation Advisement II. 1.00 Credit.
In this course, doctoral students have advanced to candidacy and completed Dissertation Seminar I and Dissertation Seminar II. Students must register continuously for advancement until the dissertation is successfully defended.
GE-892. Dissertation Advisement III. 1.00 Credit.
In this course, doctoral students have advanced to candidacy and completed Dissertation Seminar I and Dissertation Seminar II. Students must register continuously for advancement until the dissertation is successfully defended.
GE-893. Dissertation Advisement IV. 1.00 Credit.
In this course, doctoral students have advanced to candidacy and completed Dissertation Seminar I and Dissertation Seminar II. Students must register continuously for advancement until the dissertation is successfully defended.
GE-894. Dissertation Advisement V. 1.00 Credit.
In this course, doctoral students have advanced to candidacy and completed Dissertation Seminar I and Dissertation Seminar II. Students must register continuously for advancement until the dissertation is successfully defended.
GE-895. Dissertation Advisement VI. 1.00 Credit.
In this course, doctoral students have advanced to candidacy and completed Dissertation Seminar I and Dissertation Seminar II. Students must register continuously for advancement until the dissertation is successfully defended.
GE-896. Advanced Dissertation Advisement. 3.00 Credits.
In this course, doctoral students have advanced to candidacy, completed Dissertation Seminars I and II, and have completed several terms of Dissertation Advisement. Students must register continuously for advancement until the dissertation is successfully defended.
GE-897. Advanced Dissertation Advisement II. 3.00 Credits.
In this course, doctoral students have advanced to candidacy, completed Dissertation Seminars I and II, and have completed several terms of Dissertation Advisement. Students must register continuously for advancement until the dissertation is successfully defended. Prerequisites: GE-896.
GE-899. Doctorate Independent Study. 3.00 Credits.
Doctorate Independent Study Course Type(s): Independent Study.