Graduate Nursing

The baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral programs in nursing at Saint Peter’s University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 665 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, (

Master of Science in Nursing

The purposes of the graduate master’s programs in nursing are: to prepare graduates for specialization as adult-gerontology nurse practitioners and administrators; to develop leaders in the profession who are able to advance standards and create change for quality health care; and to provide a foundation for doctoral study.

Saint Peter’s University offers two options for nursing specialization at the master’s level:

  • Primary Care: Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner

A Post-Master’s program is also offered to prepare nurses as adult-gerontology nurse practitioners.

The master’s program builds upon the knowledge acquired in nursing at the baccalaureate level and is based on three essential components for a graduate master’s program in nursing: theoretical foundation to inform practice, utilization of research, and specialty practice. Reflective of the mission of Saint Peter’s University to equip persons for leadership and service through a value-based education, the master’s program prepares nurses for specialization in roles that are increasingly essential for today’s society. Students acquire a breadth and depth of knowledge, skills and values and are prepared to continually further their education.

Program Availability

The nursing programs are offered at the Jersey City campus. Courses are offered as follows:

  • MSN Primary Care (Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner).  Combined semester (15 weeks).

Degree Requirements

Students must complete the required number of credits and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.


Saint Peter’s University assigns an academic advisor from within the School of Nursing for every candidate. Nursing students should call 201-761-6270 for assistance with academic advising.

Time Limitation

Students are expected to enroll continuously until their programs are completed. Full-time students should complete the MSN Program in 2 2/3 years. All are expected to complete the program in 5 1/2 years. By federal regulation, F-1 International students must enroll as full-time students, so their time to completion will be considerably shorter.