Graduate Nursing Course Descriptions


NU-510. Current Issues in Health Care. 2.00 Credits.

An in-depth analysis of current issues related to health care and health care delivery systems. The impact of managed care on nursing practice. (Level 1, no prerequisites).

NU-512. Nursing Theory. 3.00 Credits.

Critical analysis of nursing theories and their application to practice, research, administration and education. The history and process of theory development in the discipline of nursing are explored. (Level 1, no prerequisites).

NU-515. Health Care Fin & Managed Care. 3.00 Credits.

An examination of concepts related to health care financing. Emphasis will be placed on budget preparation, cost benefit analysis, managed care and on developing an understanding of reimbursement systems. (Level 1, no prerequisites).

NU-520. Research: Design & Utilization. 3.00 Credits.

Critique and design of nursing studies. Exploration of scientific modes of inquiry for theory development and nursing practice. Emphasis is placed on the utilization of research findings for client outcome evaluation. (Level 1, Pre or co-requisite: Nursing Theory) Prerequisites: NU-512.

NU-535. Client Education: Strategies. 2.00 Credits.

Theory-based analysis of the pluralistic determinants of health related behaviors. Exploration of the use of current theoretical frameworks for the design, implementation and evaluation of intervention strategies in education of clients. Use of community resources for client education are stressed. (Level 1 or 2, no prerequisites).

NU-536. Advanced Pathophysiology. 3.00 Credits.

This course presents a systems approach to the physiological processes and pathological changes that impact human health and illness. (Level 1, no prerequisites).

NU-537. Pharmacolgy: Prescriptive Pract. 3.00 Credits.

In depth study of pharmodynamics, pharmacokinetics and the use of drug therapy to manage health and disease states is emphasized. The Controlled Substance Act and the APN's responsibilities in drug prescription are explored. (Level 1, no prerequisites).

NU-538. Family Systems and Dynamics. 2.00 Credits.

The course incorporates concepts from family systems theory, role theory and life span development. The family and community are analyzed using a pluralistic perspective. Family functioning and change in times of crisis are explored (Level 1, no prerequisites).

NU-542. Adv Health Assessmt & Diagnostic. 3.00 Credits.

A holistic and pluralistic approach to the comprehensive health/physical assessment of the adult-geriatric client. Principles of risk assessment are integrated. The student's ability to evaluate assessment data and select diagnostic tests is developed. Includes theory and laboratory (5 hours/week) component. (Level 1)Additional course fee of $75.

NU-558. Adv Practice Adult-Gero Nursing I. 3.00 Credits.

An intensive study of common acute and stable chronic problems of adult-geriatric clients seen in primary health settings. Health promotion and disease prevention are stressed. Students develop the knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose and evaluate these common conditions. Pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnostic tests and therapeutic management are discussed. Pluralistic as well as lifestyle factors, including nutrition and pharmocotherapy are explored in relation to the specific conditions. (Level 2) Prerequisites: NU-536 NU-537 NU-538 NU-542.

NU-559. Adv Practice Adult-Gero Nursing I PMC. 3.00 Credits.

An intensive study of common acute and stable chronic problems of adult-geriatric clients seen in primary health settings. Health promotion and disease prevention are stressed. Students develop the knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose and evaluate these common conditions. Pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnostic tests and therapeutic management are discussed. Pluralistic as well as lifestyle factors, including nutrition and pharmocotherapy are explored in relation to the specific conditions. (Level 2) Prerequisites: NU-536 NU-537 NU-538 NU-542.

NU-568. Adv Practice Adult-Gero Nursing Prtum I. 4.00 Credits.

This practicum course affords the student the opportunity to apply advanced knowledge and skills of health promotion, maintenance and disease management to plan therapeutic regimens for adult-geriatric clients in primary care settings. Advanced practice role socialization is developed. Legal, ethical and financial issues related to advanced practice are integrated (300 clinical hours are required for this course). (Level 2)Additional course fee of $100. Prerequisites: NU-558.

NU-568L. Adv Prac Adult-Gero Nursing Prtum I Lab. 0.00 Credits.

Lab for Advanced Practice Adult-Gero Nursing Practicum I Course Type(s): Lab Courses.

NU-569. Adv Prac Adult-Gero Nursing Prtum I PMC. 4.00 Credits.

This practicum course affords the student the opportunity to apply advanced knowledge and skills of health promotion, maintenance and disease management to plan therapeutic regimens for adult-geriatric clients in primary care settings. Advanced practice role socialization is developed. Legal, ethical and financial issues related to advanced practice are integrated (300 clinical hours are required for this course). (Level 2) Additional course fee of $100. Prerequisites: NU-559.

NU-569L. Adv Prac Adlt-Gero Nurs Prtum I PMC Lab. 0.00 Credits.

Lab for Advanced Practice Adult-Gero Nursing Practicum I PMC Course Type(s): Lab Courses.

NU-572. Adv Practice Adult-Gero Nursing II. 3.00 Credits.

Continuation of theory presented in NU-558. An intensive study of common acute and stable chronic problems of adult-geriatric clients seen in primary ealth settings. Health promotion and disease prevention are stressed. Students develop the knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose and evaluate these common conditions. Pathosphysiology, risk factors, diagnostic tests and therapeutic management are discussed. Pluralistic as well as lifestyle factors, includin nutrition and pharmocotherapy are explored in relation to the specific conditions. (Level 2) Prerequisites: NU-558 NU-568.

NU-573. Adv Practice Adult-Gero Nursing II PMC. 3.00 Credits.

Continuation of theory presented in NU-559. An intensive study of common acute and stable chronic problems of adult-geriatric clients seen in primary ealth settings. Health promotion and disease prevention are stressed. Students develop the knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose and evaluate these common conditions. Pathosphysiology, risk factors, diagnostic tests and therapeutic management are discussed. Pluralistic as well as lifestyle factors, includin nutrition and pharmocotherapy are explored in relation to the specific conditions. (Level 2) Prerequisites: NU-559 NU-569.

NU-582. Adv Pract Adult-Gero Nrsing Practicum II. 4.00 Credits.

A continuation of clinical experience in NU-568. This practicum course affords the student the opportunity to apply advanced knowledge and skills of health promotion, maintenance and disease management to plan therapeutic regimens for adult-geriatric clients in primary care settings. Advanced practice role socialization is developed. Legal, ethical and financial issues related to advanced practice are integrated (300 clinical hours are required for this course). (Level 2) Additional course fee of $100. Prerequisites: NU-558 NU-568.

NU-583. Adv Prac Adult-Gero Nrsing Pract II PMC. 4.00 Credits.

A continuation of clinical experience in NU-569. This practicum course affords the student the opportunity to apply advanced knowledge and skills of health promotion, maintenance and disease management to plan therapeutic regimens for adult-geriatric clients in primary care settings. Advanced practice role socialization is developed. Legal, ethical and financial issues related to advanced practice are integrated (300 clinical hours are required for this course). (Level 2) Additional course fee of $100. Prerequisites: NU-559 NU-569.

NU-583L. Adv Pract Adult Gero Pract II PMC Lab. 0.00 Credits.

This course is designed to fulfill certification practice requirements for the Adult Gerontology Advanced Practice students. Labs take place at preceptor institutions. Prerequisites: NU-559 NU-569 AND ALL LEVEL I COURSES. Course Type(s): Lab Courses.

NU-585. Adv Pract Nursing Project PMC. 1.00 Credit.

Opportunity to develop and present a scholarly project related to a topic in advanced nursing practice. (Level 2) Prerequisites: NU-559 NU-569.

NU-586. Adv Pract Nursing Project. 1.00 Credit.

Opportunity to develop and present a scholarly project related to a topic in advanced nursing practice. (Level 2) Prerequisites: NU-558 NU-568.

NU-587. Continuous Matriculation Master's Pract. 0.00 Credits.

This course is designed to allow the masters student to acquire clinical hours during the summer session if the student has not completed 300 practicum hours in NU 568, or if the student wishes to complete clinical hours prior to enrolling in NU 582. Prerequisites: NU-568.