Environmental Studies Program

Dr. Brandy Garrett Kluthe, Director

The Environmental Studies program at Saint Peter’s is aimed at providing students with the educational background and leadership skills necessary to effectively address the issues involved in the scientific, social, economic, political, cultural and technological context of environmental sustainability. Learn to distinguish between scientific and emotional arguments. Integrate theory and practice through field and internship experiences. And learn how to apply ideas and methods from the natural and social sciences, business and humanities to the study of environmental issues. Based on a solid science foundation, the environmental studies program offers you a choice of concentrations: environmental science; politics, policy and society; business sustainability.

Requirements for Environmental Studies Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Environmental Studies Major Requirements21
EV-100Introduction to Environmental Studies3
EV-327Environmental Politics and Policies3
or PO-155 Politics of Climate Disruption
EV-125Environmental Chemistry I4
or CH-131
General Chem and Qualitative Analysis 1
and Gen Chem and Qualitative Analysis 1 Lab
SO/AT-384Cultural Anthropology3
BI-312Biology of Global Change3
Choose one (more can be taken to count toward elective requirements)3
BL-333Environmental Law3
EV-200Economics of Environmental Decisions3
HS-476History of the Environment3
PL-241Environmental and Climate Change Ethics3
EV-295Credited Internships (Pluralism) 23
BI-312Biology of Global Change3
EV-400Sustainability: Plan for a Better Future3
Environmental Studies Major Cognates18
General Biology I
and General Biology I Lab (Core Natural Science)
General Biology II
and General Biology II Lab (Core Natural Science)
UR-151The Contemporary City (Core Social Science)3
MA-132Statistics for Life Sciences (Core Math)3
MA-133Calculus for the Life Sciences (Core Math)4
Major Electives15
Choose any combination of courses from the elective course list to total 15 credits. For Concentrations in Environmental Science, Public Policy and Planning, or Business Sustainability choose electives from the specific concentration course list

General Concentration Elective Courses

Choose courses from the list below to total a minimum of 15 credits - Note that some courses may have a prerequisite requirement.
AR/EV-253Environmental Art & Issues3
BI-313Human Evolution Ecology and Adaptation3
BA-231Business Sustainability3
BA-240Organizational Behavior3
BA-248Intl Bus and the Global Marketplace3
BA-250Consumer Behavior3
BA-322Corp Situational Analysis & Problem Solv3
BA-325Ethics: Business and Economic Community3
BA-363Entrepreneurship: Creativity/Innovation3
BI/EV-122Nutrition in Health and Disease3
BI-126The Human Environment3
BI/EV-310Ecology (WI)4
BI-311Field Studies in Biology3
BI-330Environmental Health3
BI-485Current Issues in Biology3
BI-499Natural Ecosystems of New Jersey3
BL-333Environmental Law3
General Chem and Qualitative Analysis 2
and Gen Chem and Qualitative Analysis 2 Lab
EV-102Intro to Climate Change3
EV-126Environmental Chemistry II4
EV-200Economics of Environmental Decisions3
EV-251Geographic Information System3
EV-327Environmental Politics and Policies3
EV-489Globalization and Fieldwork Seminar3
HS-124History of Ancient Science3
HS-476History of the Environment3
NS-320Ethics&Responsibility in STEM Disciplin3
PL-241Environmental and Climate Change Ethics3
PO-137Nonviolence Community Org. Social Move3
PO-250Intro to Social Justice3
PO-276Comparative Social Movements3
PO-319Politics and Pandemics3
PO-337Non-Western Perspective to Int Relations3
PO-486Seminar: Genocide3
TH-304Ecological Ethics-Religious Environment3

Requirements for Environmental Studies Minor

EV-100Introduction to Environmental Studies (Core Natural Science) 13
EV-102Intro to Climate Change (Core Natural Science) 13
Biology of Global Change (Pluralism) 2
Choose one (more can be taken to count toward elective requirements)3
AT-384Cultural Anthropology (Writing intensive, Pluralisms, Values) 23
BL-333Environmental Law3
EV-200Economics of Environmental Decisions3
EV-327Environmental Politics and Policies3
HS-476History of the Environment3
PL-241Environmental and Climate Change Ethics (Values) 23
PO-155Politics of Climate Disruption3
EV-295Credited Internships3
Minor Electives9
Choose any combination of courses from the elective course list to total 9 credits Note that some courses may have a prerequisite requirement.

 Minor Electives Courses

Choose courses from the list below to total a minimum of 9 credits - Note that some courses may have prerequisite requirement.
AR/EV-253Environmental Art & Issues3
AT/SO-313Human Evolution Ecology and Adaptation3
AT-384Cultural Anthropology3
BA-231Business Sustainability3
BA-240Organizational Behavior3
BA-248Intl Bus and the Global Marketplace3
BA-250Consumer Behavior3
BA-322Corp Situational Analysis & Problem Solv3
BA-325Ethics: Business and Economic Community3
BA-363Entrepreneurship: Creativity/Innovation3
BI/EV-122Nutrition in Health and Disease3
BI-126The Human Environment3
General Biology I
and General Biology I Lab
BI/EV-310Ecology (Writing Intensive)4
BI-311Field Studies in Biology3
BI-312Biology of Global Change3
BI-330Environmental Health3
BI-485Current Issues in Biology3
BI-499Natural Ecosystems of New Jersey3
BL-333Environmental Law3
General Chem and Qualitative Analysis 1
and Gen Chem and Qualitative Analysis 1 Lab
General Chem and Qualitative Analysis 2
and Gen Chem and Qualitative Analysis 2 Lab
EV-102Intro to Climate Change3
EV-125Environmental Chemistry I4
EV-126Environmental Chemistry II4
EV-200Economics of Environmental Decisions3
EV-251Geographic Information System3
EV-295Credited Internships3
EV-327Environmental Politics and Policies3
EV-400Sustainability: Plan for a Better Future3
EV-489Globalization and Fieldwork Seminar3
HS-124History of Ancient Science3
HS-476History of the Environment3
NS-320Ethics&Responsibility in STEM Disciplin3
PL-241Environmental and Climate Change Ethics3
PO-137Nonviolence Community Org. Social Move3
PO-155Politics of Climate Disruption3
PO-250Intro to Social Justice3
PO-276Comparative Social Movements3
PO-319Politics and Pandemics3
PO-337Non-Western Perspective to Int Relations3
PO-486Seminar: Genocide3
TH-304Ecological Ethics-Religious Environment3
UR-151The Contemporary City3


EV-100. Introduction to Environmental Studies. 3.00 Credits.

An introduction to issues such as global climate change, use of natural resources, population issues, impact of political and economic decisions; decision-making considerations; evaluating arguments. Course Type(s): Stem.

EV-102. Intro to Climate Change. 3.00 Credits.

An introduction to the scientific aspects of climate change and the impact of political and economic decisions; decision-making considerations and the evaluation of arguments on different sides of the issue; an underlying issue is sustainability. Course Type(s): Stem.

EV-122. Nutrition in Health and Disease. 3.00 Credits.

This course will explore a wealth of current information surrounding optimal nutrition and its association with disease prevention. Students will learn how to develop and implement a personal diet plan utilizing relevant nutritional recommendations and research for the enhancement of health and well-being.

EV-125. Environmental Chemistry I. 4.00 Credits.

Laboratory/lecture course introducing the chemical principles underlying environmental issues. The class meetings and one four-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: MA-106 OR MA-133; Course Type(s): Stem.

EV-126. Environmental Chemistry II. 4.00 Credits.

Laboratory/lecture course introducing the chemical principles underlying environmental issues. The class meetings and one four-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: EV-125; Course Type(s): Stem.

EV-155. Politics of Climate Disruption. 3.00 Credits.

This course will explore how environmental issues - such as climate change, resource extraction and energy use - are shaped by politics and political systems at the international, domestic and local levels. We will also examine the ways in which environmental issues have shaped politics - with concepts such as sustainable development and environmental justice - since the emergence of the environmental movement.

EV-200. Economics of Environmental Decisions. 3.00 Credits.

Evaluate the economics impact and feasibility of environmental decisions on individuals, governments and industry. Prerequisites: EC-100 EV-100.

EV-232. China: Environmntl Chnge & Possibilities. 3.00 Credits.

This course focuses on the social, political, economic and cultural variable that impact the Chinese environmental deterioration and these consequences for the world at large. Alternative models of environmental conservation are included. Prerequisites: SO-121 OR UR-151; Course Type(s): Pluralism.

EV-251. Geographic Information System. 3.00 Credits.

This course introduces the computer-based concepts and skills of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Basic GIS concepts, such as map characteristics and projections, spatial data models and analysis and relational databases will be covered. Hands-on experience with GIS software is provided. Students will be exposed to methods of processing both vector and raster data using GIS software. Prerequisites: EV-100.

EV-253. Environmental Art & Issues. 3.00 Credits.

The course is designed to look at environmental issues through the interpretations of an artistic venue. We will explore how interdisciplinary environmental discussions within academic and activist communities can inform the artist and their work as well as society at large. The structure of the class will include research in topics such as eco-ethics, animal rights, environmental justice, ?green? consumerism, and eco-activism. The work created in the class, be it visual or written, will be presented to the college in a gallery space, website and/or through a public dialogue on campus for Saint Peter?s College students and the community at large. The course is geared toward a range of disciplines within and outside the arts inviting a wide range of students to take this course. Prerequisites: ONE SEQUENCE: PL-130 PL-140 OR 2 COURSES FROM TH: Course Type(s): Values.

EV-270. Chemistry of Death Studies. 3.00 Credits.

This is a survey course on death, death care, mortuary science, the history of death care, and death iconography from a chemical perspective. Students will apply topics relevant to chemistry, biochemistry, and physics to understand the process of death, decomposition, decay, and understand the chemical processes of the body before and after death. Students will also explore human interventions on death and body disposal (such as embalming and cremation) and the chemical processes involved. The environmental impact and chemistry of various body disposal methods as well as memorials (tombstones, grave markers) will be explored. Additionally, chemicals specific to the human corpse and decay process will be covered and remarkable case studies of corpse preservation will be covered. This course seeks to highlight the diversity of death processes across the world and provide understanding of many of these processes from a scientific point of view. Prerequisites: CH-131 & CH-132. GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 & 2 ARE RECOMMENDED OR BEING A SECOND YEAR MAJOR OR HIGHER IN CHEMISTRY, BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, OR A SIMILAR MAJOR.

EV-271. Concepts of Public Health. 3.00 Credits.

Introduction to Public Health Issues - public health laws, policy cycle, demographics, and epidemiological concepts and applications.

EV-295. Credited Internships. 3.00 Credits.

Internship in environmental area. Course Type(s): Independent Study.

EV-304. Ecological Ethics-Religious Environment. 3.00 Credits.

Students will have the opportunity to study ecological ethics and environmentalism through an analysis of issues such as environmental justice, species preservation and ecological economics. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

EV-310. Ecology. 4.00 Credits.

The usual definition of ecology - the relationship between organisms and their environment - is expanded to include the biological as well as the physical conditions under which an organism, population, or species lives to show that relationships involve the interactions between the biotic world and the physical world as well as between members of the same species and between different species. Additional course fee of $100. Prerequisites: BI-183, BI-185, BI-184, BI-186, C OR BETTER IN BI-240; STUDENTS MUST HAVE 60 CREDITS. Course Type(s): Writing Intensive.

EV-312. Biology of Global Change. 3.00 Credits.

This course will investigate natural and anthropogenic global change and its impact on marine, fresh water, terrestrial and human dominated ecosystems. Prerequisites: C OR BETTER IN BI-184 FOR BIOLOGY MAJOR OR MINOR. Course Type(s): Pluralism, Interdisciplinary.

EV-313. Human Evolution Ecology and Adaptation. 3.00 Credits.

This interdisciplinary course focuses on evolutionary adaptations of the human species to nature and ways it has adapted nature to serve its needs. These adaptations and their consequences for changes in human ways of life are central to this course. Prerequisites: BI-184 OR SO-121.

EV-327. Environmental Politics and Policies. 3.00 Credits.

This course explores the shifting political forces that determine environmental policies. Included is an examination of pressures, interest groups, and the media. Prerequisites: EV-100.

EV-400. Sustainability: Plan for a Better Future. 3.00 Credits.

Students will learn about the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals which are designed to be a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future". Students will design a project based on a deeper exploration of one (or more) sustainable goals of their choosing. Prerequisites: EV-100 OR BI-184 AND COMPLETED 60 CREDITS; Course Type(s): Capstone.

EV-486. Seminar: Genocide. 3.00 Credits.

After a thorough conceptualization of genocide, the course will examine case studies of modern genocide, ranging from the 20th and 21st centuries.

EV-489. Globalization and Fieldwork Seminar. 3.00 Credits.

Short term study/travel course in which students conduct first hand investigations on the effects of globalization in relevant settings. Specific area and topics determined at the beginning of the Academic Year. Locations change every term. Additional travel course fee of $50. Course Type(s): International (Travel), Pluralism.

EV-492. Environmental Studies Internship. 3.00 Credits.

Planned and supervised off-campus working experiences with an environment profit or non-profit organization integrated with an independent academic study under the tutelage of the Director of Environmental Studies. Prerequisites are three EV classes. Course Type(s): Senior Seminar.