Department of Psychology

Dr. Joshua Feinberg, Chairperson

The Psychology Department offers a major in Psychology with optional concentrations in Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology or Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Students may only declare one concentration. A minor in Psychology is also offered.

Requirements for Psychology Major

Degree of Bachelor of Science

Required Courses12
Introduction to Psychology
Statistics & Research Methods
Experimental Psychology
Advanced Stats & Computer Applications
PS-Psychology Electives12
Select one course from each group:
Childhood and Adolescence
Adulthood and Aging
Cognitive Processes
Abnormal Psychology
Psychology of Emotion
Social Experimental Psychology
Attitudes and Persuasion
Industrial-Organizational Psy
Stereotypes and Prejudices
Forensic Psychology
Select two capstone labs.Please note, may take only 1 capstone per semester:6
Capstone: Seminar Lab Social Experiment
Capstone Lab & Seminar in Moral Psych
Capstone: Seminar & Lab Political Psych
Capstone Sem/Lab: Attitudes & Persuasion
Capstone Seminar and Lab: Emotion
Capstone: Lab & Sem Industr Org Psych
PS-434Cap Sem & Lab: Stereotypes & Prejudices3
Capstone: Seminar & Lab St
Capstone Seminar & Lab: General Psych
Total Credits42

Special Notes on Core Curriculum Requirements

Optional Psychology Degree Concentrations

Students majoring in Psychology may choose (but are not required) to pursue a concentration in clinical psychology or forensic psychology. Concentrations entail 15 credits of coursework that allow students to focus on an area that they might be considering for graduate study and/or a future career. Pursuing a concentration does not affect the core or the total number of credits required for the psychology BS degree.

Concentration in Clinical Psychology

PS-260Abnormal Psychology3
Select two of the following:6
Physiological Psychology
Undergrad Psychology Research
Cross-Cultural Psychology
Bio Foundations : Human Sexuality
Psychopathology & Film
Total Credits12

Concentration in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

PS-310Social Experimental Psychology3
PS-430Industrial-Organizational Psy3
Select two of the following6
Undergrad Psychology Research
Attitudes and Persuasion
Stereotypes and Prejudices
Sport Psychology
Total Credits12

Concentration in Forensic Psychology

PS-310Social Experimental Psychology3
PS-435Forensic Psychology3
Select two of the following:6
Undergrad Psychology Research
Stereotypes and Prejudices
Cross-Cultural Psychology
Total Credits12

Special Notes for Psychology-Education Double Majors

Requirements for a Minor in Psychology

PS-151Introduction to Psychology3
PS-Psychology Electives15
Total Credits18


PS-151. Introduction to Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

Exploration of the methods and applications of psychology; introduction to research techniques, concepts, theories, and findings about normal and abnormal behavior. Course Type(s): STEM.

PS-200. Statistics & Research Methods. 3.00 Credits.

An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on research methodology and applications in psychology. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C. Course Type(s): Senior Seminar.

PS-205. Experimental Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

Examination and training in experimental methodology with a focus on the scientific method and empiricism. Topics include the philosophy of science, statistics, developing and testing hypotheses, control techniques, designs, and ethics. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-210. Advanced Stats & Computer Applications. 3.00 Credits.

An overview of the ways in which computers are used in psychology. Topics include experimental data analysis using statistical packages such as SPSS, library research using PsycLIT, creating resumes, APA style, and PowerPoint presentations for conferences. Prerequisites: PS-200 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-220. Social Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

Study of the individual in the social environment examination of such topics as attitude formation and change, social influence, leadership and community, intergroup relations, aggression, and altruism. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-221. Introduction to Social Work. 3.00 Credits.

This course explores a wide range of human problems, intervention strategies and professional practice choices from a generalist perspective. This course also focuses on the problem solving process for people who are oppressed, marginalized, and/or underserved.

PS-222. Intro to Applied Behavior Analysis. 3.00 Credits.

This course provides students with the necessary background for understanding the development of behaviorist theories and the further development of Behavior Analysis as a natural science. Students will explore characteristics of autism spectrum disorders and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) as an effective treatment. In this course students will be introduced to the basic principles and key concepts of ABA and its practical applications. Students will explore controversies and develop research-based conclusions regarding behavioral interventions.

PS-223. Social Work Practice I. 3.00 Credits.

This course introduces the social work competencies and the problem solving model as conceptual frameworks, emphasizing the initial steps of problem and goal identification, data collection and preliminary contracting as applied to client systems of different sizes. It engages students in discussion of their observation and application of these processes in their practice assignments. Consistent with the fundamental commitment of the profession of social work to social and economic justice for all people, this course pays special attention to how institutional structures impede people of various ages, classes, colors, races, cultures, disabilities, ethnicities, family structures, gender, marital status, national origin, religions, sex and sexual orientation to meet their needs.

PS-230. Childhood and Adolescence. 3.00 Credits.

A survey of the physical, intellectual, social, and personality development that occurs during infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, and adolescence. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-235. Life Span Development. 3.00 Credits.

Comprehensive examination of the basic principles, stages and aspects of human growth and development from birth to senescence. May replace PS230 as a required course, but cannot take both PS230 and PS235. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-240. Adulthood and Aging. 3.00 Credits.

Examination of the developmental changes in the human life cycle from young adulthood through maturity. Focuses on patterns of change and growth during adulthood, social attitudes, and gerontological psychology. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-250. Personality. 3.00 Credits.

Exploration of personality theories including psychoanalysis, cognitive, behavioral and humanist approaches as they describe the development, functioning, and organization of the individual. Examination of the personal and clinical relevance of the theories. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-260. Abnormal Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

Description of normal and abnormal personality with emphasis on etiology, manifestations, dynamics, treatment, and prevention of social/psychological dysfunctions. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-295. Credited Internships. 3.00 Credits.

PS-310. Social Experimental Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

The study of individual behavior in the social environment with an emphasis on quantitative experimental techniques used to examine theories and models. Techniques include observational research, ethics in human research, questionnaire research, formal experiments, naturally occurring studies, archival studies and non-interventional field research. Topics include attitude formation, social influence, leadership, intergroup relations, aggression and altruism. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-311. Capstone: Seminar Lab Social Experiment. 3.00 Credits.

Capstone: Seminar Lab Social Experiment. Additional course fee of $100. Prerequisites: PS-210 PS-205 MINIMUM GRADE C. Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive.

PS-320. Learning. 3.00 Credits.

An examination of the major historical and contemporary theories of learning. Discussions will focus mainly on the critical analysis of experiments conducted on both animals and humans. Lectures will be supplemented with classroom demonstrations and exercises. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-340. Physiological Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

Relationships between physiological processes and behavior with emphasis on the role of the central nervous system in human behavior. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-350. Cognitive Processes. 3.00 Credits.

Examination of the issues, theories, and applications of memory, attention, pattern recognition, organization of knowledge, language, reasoning, and problem solving. In studying these topics, we will use the information processing and connectionist approaches. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-398. Undergrad Psychology Research. 3.00 Credits.

Readings, reports and conferences aimed at preparing the student for independent research under supervision of a staff member. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-400. Moral Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

This course provides a broad introduction to the field of moral psychology with an emphasis on recent developments in the field. Topics include how people make moral judgements, how people define the moral domain, the relationship between emotional morality, and how morality affects behavior. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-401. Capstone Lab & Seminar in Moral Psych. 3.00 Credits.

Capstone laboratory and seminar in Moral Psychology. Prerequisites: PS-210 PS-205 MINIMUM GRADE C. Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive.

PS-406. Political Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

This course will provide a broad introduction to the field of political psychology. Topics will include such things as psychology political ideology, political decision making and intergroup conflict. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-407. Capstone: Seminar & Lab Political Psych. 3.00 Credits.

Capstone laboratory and seminar in Political Psychology. Prerequisites: PS-210 PS-205 MINIMUM GRADE C. Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive.

PS-415. Attitudes and Persuasion. 3.00 Credits.

Contemporary and historical psychological theories about attitudes including how they are formed, the impact they have on behavior and how they can be changed. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-416. Capstone Sem/Lab: Attitudes & Persuasion. 3.00 Credits.

Capstone Seminar and Lab: Attitudes & Persuasion Prerequisites: PS-200 AND PS-205; MINIMUM GRADE C; Course Type(s): Lab Courses, Capstone, Writing Intensive. Prerequisites: PS-205 AND PS-210; MINIMUM GRADE C; Course Type(s): Lab Courses, Capstone, Writing Intensive.

PS-425. Psychology of Emotion. 3.00 Credits.

An examination of Emotions what they are, how they differ by culture, and how they impact peoples lives. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-426. Capstone Seminar and Lab: Emotion. 3.00 Credits.

Capstone Seminar and Lab: Emotion Prerequisites: PS-210 AND PS-205; MINIMUM GRADE C; Course Type(s): Lab Courses, Writing Intensive.

PS-430. Industrial-Organizational Psy. 3.00 Credits.

Study of behavior in organizational and business-related settings. Examination of such topics as employee motivation and satisfaction, communication patterns, effective leadership strategies, and organization development. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-431. Capstone: Lab & Sem Industr Org Psych. 3.00 Credits.

Capstone: Lab & Sem Industr Org Psych. Additional course fee of $100. Prerequisites: PS-210 PS-205 MINIMUM GRADE C. Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive, Senior Seminar.

PS-433. Stereotypes and Prejudices. 3.00 Credits.

This course analyzes and reviews psychological theory and empirical research on stereotypes and prejudices Prerequisites: EARN C OR BETTER IN PS-151.

PS-434. Cap Sem & Lab: Stereotypes & Prejudices. 3.00 Credits.

This is a capstone laboratory and seminar that accompanies PS 433 Stereotypes & Prejudices. Students must be co-registered or have previously taken PS 433 to take this class. Prerequisites: PS-205, PS-210; MINIMUM GRADE C; INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION REQUIRED. Course Type(s): Capstone, Senior Seminar, Writing Intensive. Prerequisites: PS-205, PS-210; MINIMUM GRADE C; INSTRUCTOR PERMISSION REQUIRED. Course Type(s): Capstone, Senior Seminar, Writing Intensive.

PS-435. Forensic Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

The application of psychology to the legal and criminal justice systems including psychology and the law, incarceration of the mentally ill, the psychology of policing, competency to stand trial, risk assessment, psychometric testing, evaluation of witness and expert testimony. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-445. Sport Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

The study of behavior in sport and exercise with a focus on how psychological factors affect physical performance and how sport and exercise affect psychological development, health, and well-being. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-450. Cross-Cultural Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

Focuses on the study of human behavior as a result of living in a given culture. Topics include bilingualism, comparison of personality, perceptual, and cognitive development in different societies, gender roles, and special issues in cross-cultural research. Prerequisites: PS-151 AND ONE OTHER PS COURSE MINIMUM GRADE C. Course Type(s): Pluralism.

PS-455. Bio Foundations : Human Sexuality. 3.00 Credits.

Focuses on the biological foundations of human sexuality. Topics include sexual anatomy and physiology, human reproduction, development, dysfunctions, therapy, and health. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-456. Counseling. 3.00 Credits.

this course explores the techniques for establishing a stable working relationship with a client and examines prominent contemporary approaches to counseling from theoretical and practical standpoints. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-463. Psychopathology & Film. 3.00 Credits.

An advanced course in the clinical areas of diagnosis and treatment of mental illness applying the diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM) guidelines to selected films. Prerequisites: PS-151 AND PS-250 OR PS-260 MINIMUM GRADE C. - MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO TAKING THIS COURSE.

PS-480. Special Topics in Psychology. 3.00 Credits.

An advanced exploration of a selected topic in contemporary psychology. Prerequisites: PS-151 MINIMUM GRADE C.

PS-481. Capstone: Seminar & Lab St. 3.00 Credits.

Capstone: Seminar & Lab St. Additional course fee of $100. Prerequisites: PS-210 PS-205 MINIMUM GRADE C. Course Type(s): Capstone, Writing Intensive.

PS-498. Psychology Capstone. 3.00 Credits.

This is a capstone experience for graduating seniors. It involves the creation, execution and dissemination of an original psychological experiment. Each student will design an original experiment. They will collect and analyze the data and present these findings in both written and oral format. Prerequisites: PS-210 AND PS-205; Course Type(s): Capstone.

PS-499. Capstone Seminar & Lab: General Psych. 3.00 Credits.

Capstone seminar and lab in general Psychology. Prerequisites: PS-210 PS-205 MINIMUM GRADE C. Course Type(s): Capstone.