Department of Theology

Edmund W. Majewski, S.J., Chairperson

The Department of Theology offers both a major and a minor in Theology.

Requirements for Theology Major

Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Six of the required credits for the major count towards the Core Curriculum Requirements.

TH-110Religious Faith in the Modern World 13
TH-120Intro to the Study of Christianity (or any 300-level course) 13
TH-300Methods and Sources of Theology3
TH-301Modern Christian Community: The Church3
TH-320Old Testament Introduction3
TH-330New Testament Introduction3
TH-350Who Is Jesus Christ?3
TH-495Theology Capstone3
TH-Theology Electives12
Total Credits36

Special Notes on Major Requirements

Requirements for a Minor in Theology

Three credits may be fulfilled in an approved cognate course in another department.

TH-110Religious Faith in the Modern World3
TH-120Intro to the Study of Christianity (or any 300-level course)3
TH-Theology electives12
Total Credits18


TH-110. Religious Faith in the Modern World. 3.00 Credits.

A critical inquiry into the possibility, the meaning, and the value of religious faith in the context of modern knowledge and experience. It is conducted from a Judeo-Christian perspective, but in dialogue with the other religious traditions of the world. Course Type(s): Core curriculum course.

TH-120. Intro to the Study of Christianity. 3.00 Credits.

A critical reflection on the meaning of the Christian faith as it is set forth in the New Testament, as it is found in the living tradition of the Church, as it is reflected on by modern thinkers, and as it bears on the issues of our time. Course Type(s): Core curriculum course.

TH-204. Healthcare in the Christian Tradition. 3.00 Credits.

This course will provide students with the opportunity to study the centrality of healthcare in the Christian tradition. Beginning with an introduction to the theological, ethical and historical foundations of Christianity, this course will adopt a dual-focus on: (1) the role that healthcare and medical healing have played in the historical development of Christianity as a faith tradition and the Church as a socially-engaged institution and: (2) the theoretical and applied dimensions of contemporary Christian healthcare ethics. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120.

TH-206. Christian Social Thought. 3.00 Credits.

This course will introduce students to the basics of Christian theological, moral & social thought. The course will adopt a service learning approach and as such will examine the origins of the Christian ethical ideals of philanthropy, community service, and love as they relate to issues of social justice and the common good. Consequently, students will be required to engage in 15-20 hours of philanthropic community-service activities and/or social advocacy and activism as a means of connecting the history and theory of the aforementioned concepts to real world practice. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120; Course Type(s): Mission Seminar.

TH-210. Community Service-Based Approach to SJ. 3.00 Credits.

This course introduces students to service-based methods of helping marginalized individuals and groups in local communities while exploring ways to promote justice and alter unjust social structures as a necessary component of community service. Students will identify and define those in need in the community, analyze existing methods for serving the marginalized, and explore ways of furthering service to address the core problems causing this need. The focus of this course study will be on the local level. The course will be viewed through the lens of the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus and will guide the study. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120.

TH-245. The Ignatian Way. 3.00 Credits.

This course studies the life and spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola in context, as well as contemporary applications of his spirituality through reading the important primary Ignatian sources. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120.

TH-246. Latinx Spirituality. 3.00 Credits.

This course presents an introduction to the way Latinos and Latinas live-out their relationship or faith in God or spirituality, both Catholic and Protestant. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120.

TH-300. Methods and Sources of Theology. 3.00 Credits.

An inquiry into the relationship between faith and reason, modern methods of analyzing and interpreting Scripture, and the role of experience, tradition, the Magisterium, and the human sciences in Theology. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120.

TH-301. Modern Christian Community: The Church. 3.00 Credits.

A study of the origin, importance, significance, and activities of the Body of Christ for the disciples of Jesus in his time and our own. Special attention given to different images and structures of the Church and contemporary ecclesial issues. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-304. Ecological Ethics-Religious Environment. 3.00 Credits.

This course will provide students with the opportunity to study faith-based approaches to environmentalism and ecological ethics. It will offer students an in-depth analysis of religious understandings of the relationship between humans and the natural world as well as the ways in which moral theology and religious ethics speak to issues such as environmental preservation, sustainability, and ecological justice. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-310. The Theology of Grace. 3.00 Credits.

The Christian understanding of God's saving activity as gratuitous, transforming, and empowering. Includes the insights on the anthropological theology of formative thinkers of the past. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-319. Sacred Time and Travel in Christianity. 3.00 Credits.

An examination of Christian liturgy and pilgrimage in global perspective, to explore the foundations and nature of Christian belief among its many churches and denominations. Substitutes for TH-120-HP; may also satisfy other Distribution requirements. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values, Writing Intensive, Pluralism.

TH-320. Old Testament Introduction. 3.00 Credits.

An exploration of the Old Testament through selected texts and their contexts. Systematic literary, historical, and social analysis will highlight their significance, key themes and contemporary applicability. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Writing Intensive, Values.

TH-330. New Testament Introduction. 3.00 Credits.

An exploration of the New Testament through selected texts and their contexts. Systematic literary, historical, and social analysis will highlight their significance, key themes and contemporary applicability. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Writing Intensive, Values.

TH-332. New Testament Ethics. 3.00 Credits.

An introduction to reading New Testament ethical texts, deriving and applying their principles in contemporary life. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-335. Veils to Vestments Women Ancient Rel. 3.00 Credits.

Veils to Vestments: Women's Leadership in Ancient Religion explores the religious roles and offices taken by women in antiquity using evidence from the Bible and Greco-Roman world. Methodologies for uncovering this evidence and reconstructing women's history will be evaluated. We also consider its implications and applications for the twenty-first century. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Writing Intensive, Values, Pluralism, Mission Seminar.

TH-343. Black Theology. 3.00 Credits.

The study of the origins and influence of the major religious traditions found in the American Black community. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-350. Who Is Jesus Christ?. 3.00 Credits.

A study of the person and significance of Jesus Christ for contemporary Christians in light of Scripture, Catholic Tradition, the Magisterium, and contemporary theologians. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-360. Ethics of War and Peace. 3.00 Credits.

This course will examine the ethics of waging war and peace - building from a variety of religious and philosophical perspectives. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120.

TH-377. Christian Spirituality. 3.00 Credits.

A study of the varieties of mystical experiences and subsequent theological reflection by formative writers in the Christian tradition. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120.

TH-395. Independent Study. 3.00 Credits.

This course will be used to study any topic in Theology, whether in an already existing course or a new area of study. The area of study should be specified when the student registers for this course: e.g. Independent Study: The New Testament. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120; Course Type(s): Independent Study.

TH-398. Propaganda: A Tale of Two Romes. 3.00 Credits.

Study of the role of propaganda in Ancient and Modern Rome, plus in the Italian language. Additional travel course fee of $50 Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): International (Travel), Pluralism, Values.

TH-430. Jerusalem: King David to Caliph 'Umar. 3.00 Credits.

This course will explore the significance of Jerusalem for Jews and Christians from the time of King David c. 1000 B.C.E. to its takeover by the Muslims under Caliph 'Umar in 638 C.E. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120; Course Type(s): Writing Intensive.

TH-431. Med Jerusalem: Jews Christians Muslims. 3.00 Credits.

An examination of Jerusalem from the beginning of its Muslim period to the Ottomans, and the interactions of the three religions competing for it as their holy city. Archaeological, literary and scriptural evidence receive particular attention. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-436. The Christian Sacraments. 3.00 Credits.

A critical study of the historical development of the Christian sacraments as vital signs and peak moments in the life of the Christian people. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-484. Christian Medical Ethics. 3.00 Credits.

Contemporary questions such as abortion, sterilization, technological reproduction, human experimentation, care of the dying, and genetic engineering, studied in the light of the Judaeo-Christian moral tradition. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-486. Morality in the Marketplace. 3.00 Credits.

Engage in the study of comparative religious economic thought, learn to apply religious ethical principles to decision-making processes in business, and critically assess the economic realities of the marketplace. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-489. International Travel Course. 3.00 Credits.

International Travel Course. Additional travel course fee of $50. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120; Course Type(s): International (Travel).

TH-495. Theology Capstone. 3.00 Credits.

This course is a guided research paper on a topic of the student's choice which fulfills the Capstone Course/Project requirement for a major in Theology. Prerequisites: TH-110 OR TH-120; Course Type(s): Capstone.

TH-496. Theology and Urban Problems. 3.00 Credits.

A theological view of the Christian tradition on various contemporary urban problems such as poverty, injustice, racism, sexism, housing, unemployment. A study of some actual and possible responses to these problems. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-498. Seminar on Death and Dying. 3.00 Credits.

A multi-disciplinary study of the experience of dying as shaped by contemporary attitudes. Theological reflection on the perennial mystery of death, and ethical issues surrounding death and dying. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.

TH-499. Theology and Contemporary Public Issues. 3.00 Credits.

Deals with the theological implications of various contemporary environmental and ecological issues: nuclear energy, pollution, nutrition, world hunger, genetics. Prerequisites: COMPLETE 6 CREDITS: 1 COURSE FROM COURSES PL-130 PL-140 AND 1 COURSE FROM COURSES TH-110 TH-120; Course Type(s): Values.